Yale LIFT 360 Instrucciones De Servicio página 3

ist. Bei zweistrangigen Geräten kann es zu
einer Verdrehung z.B. dann kommen, wenn
die Unterflasche umgeschlagen wurde (Fig. 8).
Bei Kettenersatz ist auf richtigen Kettenverlauf
zu achten (Fig. 9). Außerdem muss die
Kettenschweißnaht nach außen zeigen.
Heben der Last
Durch Ziehen an der Handkette (Fig. 10)
im Uhrzeigersinn wird die Last angehoben.
Die Last stets in der Hakenmitte einhängen.
Hakenspitze nicht belasten (Fig. 7).
Senken der Last
Durch Ziehen an der Handkette (Fig. 10)
entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinn wird die Last
Yale Überlastsicherung (optional)
Die Überlastsicherung ist werkseitig auf ca.
1,2 x Nennlast eingestellt.
Bei Überschreiten der Lastbegrenzung tritt die
Überlastsicherung in Funktion und blockiert
die Handkette (Fig. 10). Ein Anheben der Last
wird somit verhindert, während ein Senken
weiterhin möglich ist.
Die Prüfung ist mindestens einmal jährlich,
bei schweren Einsatzbedingungen in kürzeren
Abständen, durch einen Sachkundigen
vorzunehmen. Die Prüfungen sind im
Wesentlichen Sicht- und Funktionsprüfungen,
wobei der Zustand von Bauteilen hinsichtlich
Beschädigung, Verschleiß, Korrosion oder
sonstigen Veränderungen beurteilt sowie die
Vollständigkeit und Wirksamkeit der
Sicherheitseinrichtungen festgestellt werden
Die Prüfungen sind vom Betreiber zu
All users must read these operating instruc-
tions carefully prior to the initial operation.
These instructions are intended to acquaint
the user with the hoist and enable him to use
it to the full extent of its intended capabilities.
The operating instructions contain important
information on how to handle the hoist in a
safe, correct and economic way. Acting in ac-
cordance with these instructions helps to avoid
dangers, reduce repair cost and down time
and to increase the reliability and lifetime of
the hoist. Apart from the operating instructions
and the accident prevention act valid for the
respective country and area where the hoist
is used, also the commonly accepted regula-
tions for safe and professional work must be
adhered to.
- The capacity indicated on the hoist is the
maximum safe working load (W.L.L.) which
must not be exceeded.
- Do not lift or transport loads while person-
nel are in the danger zone.
- Do not allow personnel to pass under a sus-
pended load.
- After lifting or tensioning, a load must not
be left unattended for a longer period of time.
- Start moving the load only after it has been
attached correctly and all personnel are clear
of the danger zone.
- The operator must ensure that the load is
attached in a manner that does not expose
himself or other personnel to danger by the
hoist, chain(s) or the load.
- The hoists can be operated in ambient tem-
peratures between -10°C and +50°C.
Consult the manufacturer in case of extreme
working conditions.
Note: At ambient temperatures below 0°C
the brake should be checked for freezing.
- The accident prevention act and/or safety
regulations of the respective country for us-
ing manual hoists must be strictly adhered
- In order to ensure correct operation not only
the operation instructions, but also the con-
ditions for inspection and maintenance must
be complied with. lf defects are found stop
using the hoist immediately.
- Do not exceed the rated capacity of the hoist.
- Do not use the hoist for the transportation
of people (Fig. 1).
- Welding on hook and load chain is strictly for-
bidden. The load chain must never be used
as ground connection during welding (Fig. 2).
- Avoid side pull, i. e. side load on either hous-
ing or bottom block (Fig. 3).
- The load chain must not be used for lashing
purposes (sling chain) (Fig. 4).
- Do not knot or shorten the load chain by
using bolts/screws/screwdrivers or other
devices (Fig. 5). Do not repair load chains
installed in the hoist.
- Do not remove the safety latch from the top
or bottom hooks (Fig. 6).
- Never attach the load on the tip of the hook.
This also applies to the top hook (Fig. 7).
- Do not use the chain stop as an operational
limit device (Fig. 10).
- Do not throw the hoist down. Always place it
properly on the ground.
Each hoist must be inspected prior to initial
operation by a competent person. The inspec-
tion is visual and functional and shall estab-
lish that the hoist is safe and has not been
damaged by incorrect transport or storage.
Inspections should be made by a representa-
tive of the manufacturer or the supplier al-
though the company can assign its own suita-
bly trained personnel.
Before starting work inspect the hoist, chain(s)
and all load bearing constructions every time
for visual defects. Furthermore test the brake
and make sure that the load and hoist are
correctly attached. For this purpose a short
work cycle of lifting/pulling or tensioning and
releasing should be carried out.
Load chain inspection
Inspect the load chain for sufficient lubrica-
tion and visually check for extemal defects,
deformations, superficial cracks, wear or cor-
rosion marks.
Chain stop inspection
The chain stop must be connected to the free
(idle) chain strand (Fig. 10).
Inspection of top and bottom hooks
Inspect top and bottom hooks for deforma-
tions, damage, cracks, wear or corrosion