Maillefer Instruments Holding S.à.r.l. et ses filiales (Trading S.à.r.l., Manufacturing S.à.r.l., Consulting S. à.r.l.)
Chemin du Verger 3, CH – 1338 Ballalgues
• Shape Canal – Crown Down
Initiate crown down shaping technique. Consult the file system's directions for use to determine the
starting file in small canals (mesial and buccal canals of molars, small premolars and mandibular
anteriors). Take the file to resistance or working length (whichever occurs first). If resistance is
encountered before working length is obtained, go to next smaller instrument following the same
protocol until working length is achieved. Between each rotary file recapitulate with a #10 or #15 tip
hand file to maintain the glide path to the canal terminus. Frequent irrigation with sodium hypochlorite
(NaOCl) is used throughout the shaping procedure.
• Flare the Canal
Flare the canal coronally and ensure the GUTTACORE
the root canal along the straight line access by using an orifice shaping instrument as necessary
• Consult the File System Directions for Use
Consult the file system's directions for use to determine the file size for larger canals (palatal and
distal canals of molars, larger premolars, maxillary anteriors).
Use the crown down technique to resistance or working length. If resistance is encountered before
working length is achieved, move on to smaller sized instruments until working length is achieved.
Between instruments, recapitulate with small hand instrument to maintain a glide path to working
Follow the file system's directions for use when creating access, shaping the canal and flaring the
coronal portion of the canal.
A properly shaped canal preserves the natural shape of the anatomy and allows for a more
effective volume of disinfecting irrigants to penetrate, circulate and clean all areas of the root
canal system.
4. Verify the Shape at Working Length and the Passive Fit
Following proper cleaning and shaping, confirm the final working length measurement using a size
verifier that reaches the apical constriction passively, with no significant resistance or twisting. It is
necessary to use a size verifier to confirm the shape at working length and passive fit.
Verifying the shape at working length and passive fit ensures that the GUTTACORE
being used matches the correct apical canal diameter.
The size verifiers are made of nickel titanium and are fluted, making them excellent for minor apical
shaping, if necessary. If the size verifier is slightly short of your working length, you can use it to enlarge
to your working length by rotating it in a clockwise direction while exerting slight apical pressure.
Use a size verifier to confirm a passive fit at working length; set the silicone stopper at your working
length using the size verifier's calibration mark. Check passivity by taking the size verifier to working
length and confirm by rotating in the canal 180 ˚.
ii. If the fit is passive, remove a GUTTACORE
iii. If the fit is not passive, use the size verifier as a finishing file to gently enlarge the canal terminus or
select a smaller size verifier. If the smaller size verifier fits passively, remove a GUTTACORE
Obturator of the same size as the verifier and proceed to step 5.
F1902125.X/04/2011 – updated 11/2014 – EN FR DE ES IT
Tél +41 (0)21 843 92 92
Fax +41 (0)21 843 92 93
Obturator has sufficient space to enter
Obturator from the package and proceed to step 5.
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