Hazardous Locations Certifications; North American Certifications; European Certifications - SMAR LD303 Manual De Instrucciones, Operacion Y Mantenmiento

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LD303 - Manual de instrucciones, Operación y Mantenimiento ertifications Information

Hazardous Locations Certifications


North American Certifications

FM Approvals (Factory Mutual)
Certificate N: FM 3006959 and 3015629
Explosion-proof for Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C and D.
Dust-ignition proof for Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F and G; Class III, Division 1.
Intrinsically Safe for use in Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C and D; Class II, Division 1, Groups E,
F and G; Class III, Division 1. FISCO Field Device Ex ia IIC T4.
Non-incendive for Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D. FNICO Field Device Ex n1 IIC T5.
Entity parameters: V
= 24 Vdc I
= 16 Vdc I
Maximum Ambient Temperature: 60 ºC.
Enclosure Type 4X/6/6P or Type 4/6/6P.
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
Certificate N: CSA1111005
Class 2258 02
Explosion Proof for Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C and D; Class II, Division 1,
Groups E, F and G; Class III, Division 1; Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D; Class II, Division
2, Groups E, F and G; Class III.
Class 2258 04 Intrinsically Safe, Entity – For Hazardous Locations for Class I, Division 1, Groups A,
B, C and D; Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F and G; Class III, Division 1.
• Intrinsically safe with entity parameters: Vmax = 24 V Imax = 380 mA Pi = 5.32 W Ci = 5 nF Li = 10
Maximum Ambient Temperature: 40 ºC.
Enclosure Type 4X or Type 4.

European Certifications

Certificate No: Nemko 03 ATEX 1430X
ATEX Intrinsically Safe from Group II 1GD, Ex-ia IIC T4
Entity parameters: Pi = 1.15 W Ui = 22,5 V Ii = 208 mA Ci = 5 nF Li = 6 μH
Maximum Ambient Temperature: 62 ºC.
FISCO Field Device Ex ia IIC T4
FNICO Field Device Ex n1 IIC T5
Certificate No: Nemko 02 ATEX 035
ATEX Explosion Proof from Group II 2G, Ex-d, Group II T6
Enclosure Type IP66/68 or IP66/68W.
Special conditions for safe use:
1. The transmitters are marked with three options for the indication of the protection code. The
certification is valid only when the protection code is indicated, by the user, in one of the boxes
following the code.
The following options apply:
• Ex d IIC T6 ( ) with X ticked in the parenthesis:
The Ex d IIC T6 protection according to certificate Nemko 02ATEX035X / 02ATEX149X applies for
the specific transmitter. Certified Ex d IIC cables entries shall be used.
• Ex ia IIC T4 ( ) with X ticked in the parenthesis:
The Ex ia IIC T4 protection according to certificate Nemko 03ATEX1430X applies for the specific
transmitter. Certified diode safety barriers shall be used.
= 250 mA Pi = 1.2 W Ci = 5 nF Li = 12 μH
= 250 mA Pi = 2.0 W Ci = 5 nF Li = 12 μH
FNICO Field Device Ex n1 IIC T5.
FISCO Field Device Ex ia
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