1. In the "beurer HealthManager" app select Settings AW 85 Synchronise
time. The activity watch second hand stops.
2. Set the exact time currently displayed on the activity watch in the time field
of the app.
3. Tap on Synchronise in the app. The time on the face of the activity watch will
now be automatically synchronised with the time on the smartphone.
If the time displayed on the face is less than 10 minutes ahead of
the new desired smartphone time, the seconds on the activity watch
stop until both times are the same.
6. Functions
The following functions are available to you when your activity watch
is connected to a smartphone (see "Connecting the activity watch
to a smartphone"). Activate the app's access to the smartphone's
notification services. Make sure that the push notifications are ac-
tive. If you are using an iPhone, the notifications must be displayed
in the Notification Centre. The app must always be open in the
background, otherwise the individual functions cannot be used.
6.1 Messages
You can be notified by an alert (signal light, acoustic signal or vibration) on
your activity watch when you receive a message (e.g. SMS or WhatsApp) on
your smartphone.