Compacted foundation
round-grained gravel, max. grain size
8/16 according to DIN 4226-1)
Dome shaft with telescopic
Covering layer
Concrete layer for surfaces used
by passenger cars
Please note, that the filling must
be well-compacted!
Ground conditions
Before the installation the following points must be clarified:
The construction specific compatibility of the ground according to DIN 18196
Maximum occurring ground water levels in relation to the drainage factors of the terrain.
Occurring load types, for example from traffic
To ascertain the physical properties of the terrain, a ground survey report should be requested from the
local planning department.
So that sufficient working room is available, the surface area of the excavation should exceed the tank
dimensions on all sides by approximately 500 mm, the distance from solid building constructions must be
a minimum of 1200 mm.
The excavation slope is according to DIN 4124. The ground for setting down must be level and smooth
and must provide a sufficient load bearing capacity.
The depth of the excavation must be measured so that the maximum allowable earth covering (1000 mm
from the top surface of the tank) above the tank is not exceeded. For an all year round utilisation of the
system it is necessary that the tank and the water supply pipes and equipment are installed in a frost free
environment. The depth for a frost free installation is generally around 800 mm, precise data for this
should be requested from the appropriate administrative authority.
A layer of compacted, round-grain gravel (grain size 8/16, thickness approx. 150 – 200 mm) is applied as
the foundation. Please note, that this layer must be well-compacted!
6.2.1 Ground water and cohesive (impermeable) soil
For occurring groundwater and impermeable soils
such as clay, it is necessary to provide a sufficient
run off (drainage) for the ground or seepage water
so that the tanks are never deeper in the ground
water than 800 mm. In certain cases the drainage
pipe may lead into a 300 mm diameter vertical pipe
with a submersible pump installed so that excess
water will be automatically pumped away. This
pump system must be inspected at regular
Installation and assembly
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