D. Use is not allowed in the
following cases
■ The present instructions do not apply for shelving and
racking used outdoors or in harsh environments subject to
wind, snow and other mechanical stress factors. Moreover,
load capacities shown in the present document are not
valid for earthquake hazard zones (structural design does
not resist seismic loads). Inform BITO in writing if your
installation is to be set up in an earthquake hazard area and
request adaptation of structural design parameters to the
seismic requirements of your region.
■ BITO Shelving and racking is not suited for use in
environments with exposure to corrosion, splashing liquids,
decomposition, vibrations, explosions, radiation. It is not
permitted to use loads or load carriers which due to their
nature are subject to oxidation, rust, decomposition or which
might impair proper functioning of any kind of mechanism.
■ Storing unpacked foods that are in direct contact with
racking parts and components is not permitted.
■ Do not use mobile shelving on sloping ground to prevent
tipping over.
■ Do not run the rack over stairs, ledges or drops in the fl oor,
because this could damage the trolley or may cause the
trolley to topple over.
■ Do not use mobile shelving for transporting persons.
■ The trolley must not be used for applications bearing the risk
of exceeding the rated load capacity.
■ The mobile rack must not be towed by a motorised vehicle.
■ Do not climb on the mobile rack.
■ Do not lean to the mobile rack and do not lean loads against
the unit.
■ Do not use mobile shelving if you are aware of any damage.
E. Assembly
■ Assembly must be carried out by competent staff trained and
experienced in working with mechanical storage and handling
equipment; all works must be carried out with appropriate tools and
personal protective equipment.
■ In order to make work easier, we recommend 2 people to carry out
assembly and installation.
■ Assembly or reconfi guration of the structure must be only made
after all loads have been removed and in compliance with the
F. Inspection
■ Check the trolley every day. Daily inspection will help to limit wear
and tear to a minimum.
■ Thoroughly check mobile shelving for damage at least every 6
■ Retighten all bolt connections.
■ Damaged components must be replaced immediately.
■ Only use replacement parts authorised by the manufacturer.
■ As stipulated by DIN standard EN 15636, shelving and racking
operators must ensure that visual inspections are carried out at
regular intervals. Additionally, warehouse storage equipment must
be inspected at least once a year by a qualifi ed person. If you
require further information on shelving & racking inspection, please
assembly, please refer to our contact details on www.bito.com