Food Prepa R At I O N - Thane Fitness OrbiTrek PRO Manual Del Propietário

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Nutritional Guide
It is very important to avoid ALL added fats and oils, not just because they'll make you fat, but because they'll also make you sick,
linked as they are to such disorders as breast and colon cancers, heart disease, and other serious illnesses.
Eliminating added fats and oils means avoiding:
• M a rgarine,
• M a y o n n a i s e ,
• Olive Oil,
• B u t t e r,
• Oily salad dressings,
• Chips of all kinds (unless they're baked),
• Fried foods,
• F rench fries,
• C ream cheese,
• Ice cream,
• L a rd,
• and any other manufactured fat or oil.
Note that if you don't like salads without dressing — try lemon juice and seasoning salt. It's delicious! Or... try any of the oil-fre e
salad dressings now widely available. You'll be surprised to taste how much they have improved
All the above-listed items are horrible for you. But the hydrogenated products such as margarine, mayonnaise, and all heated
fats and oils are the worst, as they are high in trans fats, substances that form when fat or oil is heated or heavily processed. Trans fats
a re directly implicated in the onset and/or exacerbation of obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Avoid these "foods" at all costs.
3 ) Avoid processed foods high in sugar and white flour. Check your labels and do not eat anything that has too much of these
items in the ingredient list, as they too contribute to obesity and ill health.


This subject could fill a book all by itself. The essential point to remember is, once again, to avoid added fats and oils! Do not fry with
oil. Use non-stick pans and fry with water or non-fat chicken broth. A little experimentation and you'll see how easy this is. Also re m e m b e r
that any menu that contains oil, butter or margarine can easily be made as well, or nearly as well, without those ingredients. You must
experiment to apply this concept to every one of your favorite recipes, but the re w a rd for doing so is very high. It will mean better and bet-
ter health as well as greater and greater success.
The best way to arrange your food day is to spread out your daily intake into several meals, as opposed to eating, say, one large meal
per day. Studies have shown that when two comparable groups of people eat the same number of calories but on diff e rent schedules, the
g roup that eats one large meal per day gains weight and feels worse, while the group that spreads its calories out during the day feels bet-
ter and gains no weight.
Other studies indicate that when food is eaten late in the day, closer to bedtime, weight is gained as compared to no weight gain
when the same food is eaten earlier in the day.
The typical large dinner with which most people are familiar is problematic because the natural daily rhythms of the body are such
that evening is when it is preparing for rest, not a large meal. More import a n t l y, food eaten late in the day is much more likely to be con-
v e rted to stored body fat. So eat a light meal for dinner — a piece of grilled chicken, brown rice, and vegetable - just watch the portion size.
Remember: food eaten this late will almost certainly be converted to body fat; and body fat, once accumulated, comes off much slower, and
with much greater diff i c u l t y, than it goes on - a fact with which many people are already familiar.
Always eat breakfast. A cup of cream of wheat, shredded wheat, oatmeal, or an egg white omelet is a great way to start the day. It
fuels the body and mind giving you that extra bit of energy necessary to meet today's challenges. Whatever you do don't skip this most
i m p o rtant meal.
In addition to breakfast, lunch, and dinner be sure to eat a small snack midmorning, and another between lunch and dinner.
Naturally thin people typically follow both of these two simple pattern s :
1 ) Eat only when hungry; and
2) Stop eating when no longer hungry.
This is how primitive man ate, a good indication that it is the way nature intended. Most of us have been conditioned to eat when
i t 's time to eat: lunchtime, dinnertime, breakfast. But the truth is that it is far more natural to eat when you're hungry. That means tru l y
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