Test conditions
To avoid te st e rrors:
• Do not test near strong magne tic fie lds (magne ts, loudspeake rs,
transform e rs, motors, coils, re lays, contactors, e le ctromagne ts,
e tc.).
• Do not test near strong e le ctrostatic fields (high voltage powe r
lines, te le visions, compute r m onitors, e tc.).
• Do not test near strong R F fie lds (radio or te le vision transm itte rs,
walk ie -talk ies, cellular phone s e tc.).
Test ing an RJ45 cab le
Ne ve r use the te ste r on live wire s; this may cause shocks
or dam age the me te r.
• O nly one cable can be tested at a time . For example , a coax ial
cable and an RJ45 cable cannot be tested sim ultaneously.
• The te ste r is intende d to test comple te cable s. It may no find
faults in cables that are inte ntionally incomple te. For exam ple , the
standard EIA/TIA 568 R J45 te rm inated Ethe rne t cable is ex pe cted
to contain 8 conductors. If only 4 conductors are use d be twe e n
the R J45 conne ctors, the de vice may not prope rly ide ntify the
To test a cable :
Inse rt one end of the cable unde r test into the appropriate
sock e t in the maste r.
Inse rt the othe r e nd of the cable into the corresponding socke t
in the rem ote .
Press and re lease the Test button [1].
The powe r LED will light up for at least 5 se conds, indicating the
de vice is te sting the cable . If the powe r LED does not light,
re place the batte ry.
Test result
The tables below describe the te st results (LEDs that light up and
num be r of be eps) for various e rror type s.
V. 01 – 30/10/2013
©Ve lleman nv