9.2 Network connection using RaUI utility
When the RaUI utility is enabled, the system will show the available wireless networks. To see this list please click on the
magnifying glass shaped icon.
The network list includes the most used fields: SSID, channel, kind of network, security and signal percent. The gree icon
indicates the enabled network.
1. Go to "Ralink Wireless Utility" menu or press this icon in the Windows Bar.
2. Click on the magnifying glass shaped icon that you will find in the main windowto enter the available wireless network
3. Select the network which you want to connect in the field "SSID (network name)" and press "Connect". A window will
be opened to show the protection of the network you want to connect to.
4. Click on the right arrow to go to next step of the installation and type the password of the wireless connection.
5. Click again on the right arrow to go to next step. Wait until the connection has been fully completed.
6. Once connected to the wireless network, in the main window you will see the SSID data, the connection speed and the
IP address.
7. If the connection has been stablished correctly, the modem/router will give you the configuration data.
9.3 Add network configuration to a profile
Once the connection to wireless network is completed, add it to a profile so everytime you turn on or re-set your compu-
ter, it connects automatically to the wireless network.
1. Click on the magnifying glass shaped icon that you will find in the main windowto enter the available wireless network
2. Click on the icon "Add profile". A window will appear showing a profile name by default which you can change may you
wish to do it.
3.Type again the password of your network. Click on the right green arrow. Click again on the right green icon until the pro-
file you are configurating appears in the profile list.
This SSID information appears automati-
cally. The typw of netwrok appears by de-
fault. Click on the green arrow for the next
SNT1016 User Manual
1. Welcome
2. Features
3. System requirements
4. Technical specifications
5. Content
6. Hardware
7. Driver installation on PC
8. Device connection
8.1 RaUI setup
9. Network connection
9.1 Network connection using WZC
9.2 Network connection using RaUI
9.3 Add the network connection to a
9.4 Network connection with WPS
10.MAC address specifications
Important Information