8. Canopy Assembly.
Lift canopy until it covers hanging bracket and
touches ceiling. Tighten canopy set screw to
secure canopy.
9. Blade Assembly.
Remove blade screws and washers from top
of motor housing--leave rubber cushions
Lower one of the blades over a rubber
cushion and attach the blade with 2 of the
washers and blade screws that were just
removed, as shown. Tighten both blade
screws securely. Repeat with the remaining
10. Wall Control Operation.
0 - turns fan OFF
1 - turns fan to LOW speed
2 - turns fan to MEDIUM-LOW speed
3 - turns fan to MEDIUM speed
4 - turns fan to MEDIUM-HI speed
5 - turns fan to HI speed
blade screws
and washers
motor housing
page 6
canopy set screw