4 Pin (%WME) Mode Interpretation
Measure mode readings are precise and specific to the area of
contact between the electrode tips. Actual percent moisture
content (%mc) values are measured in wood products. Wood
Moisture Equivalent (WME) values are measured in materials
other than wood.
The WME measurement is the theoretical %mc value that would
be attained by a piece of wood in moisture equilibrium with the
material under investigation at the point of measurement. As the
critical %mc levels of wood are known, WME values may be
used directly to establish if the material is in a dry, borderline or
damp condition as indicated by the color coded LED scale.
5 Instrument Calibration Check
A calibration check device (Calcheck) is supplied with the
instrument for checking the Measure mode calibration. Hold the
Calcheck across the electrode pins as shown. A correctly
calibrated Digital Mini will read 18.2 ±1.0. Contact your
supplier if the instrument is reading incorrectly.
Protimeter Digital Mini
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