Danby DFF8801W Manual Del Propietário página 6

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Idiomas disponibles

aproblem isminor anda service call m ay notbenecessary,
use this
troubleshooting guide for
a possible solution.
If the unit continues to operate improperly, c_ll an authorized service depot or Danby's
Toll Free Number for assistance.
Does notwork
too frequenlly
Internal t emperature
too cold
Internal t emperature
not cold enough
Freezer is notcold
Ught wiltnot work
No power!o unit.
Wrongvoltage is beingused.
Powercordts unplugged
Temperature controltoohigh.
Doorisnot dosed.
HotIced inserted.
Doorsopened tootong
or toooften.
Checkconnectionofpowerco_d at
Useproper v oltage
Plug In untt
Checksetting andadjustas needed
Closedoor securely
Be sure thatfood IscoolbeforeInserting
DO NOTkeepdoor openfor too long.
MINIMIZEdoor openlngs_
Closeproxtmily t o heat source
or directsunlight.
Temperature control too high,
Nopowerto unit.
Powercordis unplugged.
Temperature control toolow,
DoorIs not closed,
Hotfood Inserted.
Doors opened too long
orIce often,
Air flowobstruction.
WrongvoltageIs beingused.
Closeproximity t o heat source
or direct sunlight
Temperature control t oo low.
Doornot closed,
Hot foodIs inserted.
or toooften
Wrongvoltage ts beingused.
Nopower to unit.
Powercordis unplugged
Bulb ls loose,needs replacing
or the door switchis stuck.
DO NOT placeunit closeto heat sources
or directsunI[ght
Checksettingandadjustas needed.
Checkconnection O f powercord at
power soume,
Plug inuniL
Check settingandadjust a s needed.
Close door securely.
Be surethatfoodis cool b eforeinserting,
DO NOTkeep door openfor toolong.
MINIMIZEdoor openings..
Allow roomforair to circulatearoundunit.
DO NOTplace unitclosetoheat sources
or directsunlight
Checksettingand adjustas needed
Closedoor securely.
Be surethat foodis coolbeforeinserting.
DO NOT keepdoor openfor 1oolong
Use propervoltage.
Checkconnection o f powercord to
power source.
Plugin unit.
"13ghten o r replace the bulb. Checkthe
switchfor obslructlonsenddean.