Fcc Exemption / Excención Fcc; Electromagnetic Compliance Information Información De Compatibilidad Em; Usage Of A Patient Simulator Uso De Un Simulador De Paciente; The 12-Lead Ecg El Ecg De 12 Derivaciones - HE Instruments TechPatient CARDIO Manual Del Operador

Tabla de contenido
FCC Exemption / Exención FCC
The device is exempt from FCC regulations under Part 15, Section 103 c.
El dispositivo se encuentra exento de las regulaciones de la FCC bajo la normativa Parte 15,
Sección 103 c.
Electromagnetic compliance information
Información de compatibilidad EM
While this simulator is compliant with the applicable regulatory EMC requirements, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. To minimize the
potential for the hardware to cause interference to radio and television reception or to
experience unacceptable performance degradation, install and use this hardware in strict
accordance with the instructions in this operator's manual.
If this hardware does cause interference with licensed radio communications services or
other nearby electronics, which can be determined by turning the hardware off and on, you
are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient the antenna of the receiver (the device suffering interference).
• Relocate the transmitter (the device generating interference) with respect to the
• Plug the transmitter into a different outlet so that the transmitter and the receiver
are on different branch circuits.
Some hardware may require the use of a metal, shielded enclosure (windowless version) to
meet the EMC requirements for special EMC environments such as, for marine use or in
heavy industrial areas. Refer to the hardware's user documentation and the DoC for
product installation requirements.
When the hardware is connected to a test object or to test leads, the system may become
more sensitive to disturbances or may cause interference in the local electromagnetic
Operation of this hardware in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference. Users
are required to correct the interference at their own expense or cease operation of the
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by HE Instruments could void the
operator's right to operate the simulator under the local regulatory rules.
Usage of a Patient Simulator
Uso de un Simulador de Paciente
A patient simulator is an electronic device that through the simulation
of specific parameters in preset conditions, is used for testing,
verification and calibration of diagnostic equipment.
The TechPatient CARDIO simulator is specifically designed to test
12‐leads ECG diagnostic equipment, such as ECG machines,
patient monitors and Holter recorders among others.
Un simulador de paciente es un dispositivo electrónico que
mediante la simulación de parámetros específicos bajo
condiciones preestablecidas, permite ensayar, verificar
y calibrar equipamiento de diagnóstico.
El simulador TechPatient CARDIO esta diseñado
específicamente para el ensayo de equipamiento de
diagnóstico ECG de 12 derivaciones, tales como
electrocardiógrafos, monitores de paciente y grabadores Holter.
The 12‐Lead ECG
El ECG de 12 Derivaciones
The standard 12‐lead electrocardiogram is a representation of the heart's electrical activity
recorded from ten electrodes on the body surface. It provides spatial information about the
heart's internal activity, each of the 12 leads representing a particular orientation in space.
It's an improvement from the original 3 and 5‐leads
ECG, therefore, 12‐leads simulation is compatible with
3 and 5‐leads diagnostic equipment.
El ECG estándar de 12 derivaciones es una
representación de la actividad eléctrica del corazón,
grabada a partir de diez electrodos sobre la superficie
corporal. Provee información espacial acerca de la
actividad interna del corazón, representando cada
derivación una orientación particular en el espacio.
Se trata de una mejora del ECG convencional, por lo
tanto, la simulación en 12 derivaciones es compatible
con el equipamiento médico de 3 y 5 derivaciones.
Tabla de contenido

Tabla de contenido