1. General information
General notes
Thank you for purchasing this device TechPRO
2 Smart.
This device is a communication module of the
latest generation that allows you to connect to
the electronic control units of the vehicle.
All rights reserved.
The total or partial reproduction of this manual,
whether on paper or in electronic form, is pro-
Printing is permitted for the exclusive use of the
user and operators of the device to which this
manual refers.
MAHLE Aftermarket Italy S.r.l. and the resourc-
es employed in the production of this manual do
not assume any responsibility deriving from the
improper use of both the manual and the device,
guaranteeing that the information contained in
this manual has been carefully checked.
The product can be subject to changes and
improvements. MAHLE Aftermarket Italy S.r.l.
reserves the right to modify the information con-
tained in the manual without notice.
The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for
damage or injury to persons, animals and prop-
erty in the following cases:
Damage to the product due to factors ex-
ternal to the same or to non-compliance
with current legislation
Modifications made to the product without
express written authorization of the man-
Use for purposes other than those de-
scribed in this manual