Silverline OVE-65 IB Guia Del Usuario página 43

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

When the Automat�c Cook�ng t�me has ended:
All cook�ng types other than the manual cook�ng are ended automat�cally when the
programmed cook�ng t�me has exp�red (or when the meat has reached the set
temperature �n case of cook�ng w�th meat probe). Cook�ng complete warn�ng
('End' message) �s d�splayed on the screen, the
aud�ble warn�ng �s heard. You may press any key to end the warn�ng and sw�tch to
the standby screen.
Booster (Qu�ck Heat�ng)
You may use the qu�ck heat�ng funct�on to br�ng the oven temperature to the set
temperature rap�dly. Spec�f�ed heaters and the turbo fan are act�vated temporar�ly
and the oven �s brought to the set temperature rap�dly w�th the hot a�r c�rculat�on
dur�ng qu�ck heat�ng.
You may act�vate the qu�ck heat�ng funct�on by press�ng the (
cook�ng funct�on �s d�splayed on the screen (on the pause mode screen). The
symbol �s d�splayed on the screen on sect�on for �nd�cat�on of the cook�ng funct�on.
Wh�le the qu�ck heat�ng �s act�ve, �t may be cancelled by press�ng the
aga�n on the pause mode.
When the �nternal temperature of the oven has reached the set temperature, qu�ck
heat�ng funct�on �s deact�vated automat�cally, an aud�ble warn�ng �s g�ven and the
symbol d�sappears.
Keep Warm funct�on can be enabled by press�ng qu�ck heat�ng key for 3 seconds.
Keep Warm funct�on w�ll be d�splayed when the key �s pressed for 3 seconds. You
may start the funct�on by press�ng the start key.
Qu�ck heat�ng �s not allowed �f the d�fference between the current tempera-
ture of the oven and the set value �s less than 50 °C, �f the set temperature
�s less than 100 °C or �f cook�ng �s performed at a gr�ll funct�on.
Qu�ck heat�ng �s not allowed wh�le cook�ng at ECO mode.
Spec�f�cat�ons of the Oven
symbol flashes and an
) key wh�le

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