EPTA Bonnet Neve LATITUDE INOX Instrucciones De Uso Para El Usuario página 58

Modello - Modèle - Model
Modell - Modelo - Modelo
Fabbricante - Constructeur - Manufacturer
Hersteller - Fabricante - Fabricante
User manual
Cleaning and ordinary
Good visibility in the intervention area is
recommended, possibly using an additional
light source.
In the presence of front glass on the cabinet, it
operations when there is no customer in the
sales area.
Cleaning the cabinet
Only use water at a maximum temperature of
65°C and household soap or neutral detergent
diluted in water.
For glass surfaces use only products for cleaning
glass. It is recommended to avoid the use of
water since it may deposit limestone on the
surface of the glass.
Never use:
• Abrasive sponges
• Flammable or abrasive products such as
alcohol, acetone or solvents
• Detergents
surfactants, lemon or vinegar (acetic acid)
Clean all the external parts of the cabinet onCe
a WeeK.
Clean all the internal parts of the cabinet onCe
a MontH, following the instructions below:
• Disconnect the power supply to the cabinet
using the wall-mounted main switch-
disconnector ("Fig. 19").
• Empty the cabinet, storing the goods in
cold rooms or refrigerators to maintain the
preservation temperature.
• Wait for the inside of the cabinet to have
reached the ambient temperature and
then clean
• After carefully checking that the inside of
the cabinet is completely dry, restart the
appliance by re-energising the cabinet.
• After a couple of hours, load the goods
N°DOC. UM000628 REV. "B" - 07/03/24
Latitude inox
epta Spa - Via Mecenate, 86 - 20138 Milano (MI) ITALIA
Tel. 02/55403211 Telefax 02/55401023
A dirty condensing unit cools less, causing
waste of energy and poor performance. Wear
resistant gloves when cleaning the condensing
In particular, clean the condensing unit at least
every 30 days with a hard metallic brush,
removing the dust and dirt from the fins.
Defrost the cabinet eVeRY tHRee MontHS
to allow the ice to melt which may have formed
on the fins of the evaporator preventing correct
operation. The duration of the defrosting
activity is regulated directly in the factory. Any
adjustments are reserved exclusively for the
technical service department. The defrosting
water is collected by a special drain and
conveyed to a dissipation bowl placed at the
bottom of the cabinet. Periodically check that
the defrosting water drains normally. If not,
intervene immediately using a non-pointed
flexible probe.
Do as indicated to clean the internal parts
MontHLY, but in this case foresee a longer
waiting time to allow the ice to melt completely.
Clean the condensing unit anuaLLY by blowing
air through a compressed air pump to eliminate
residues or dust that may have accumulated. To
access the condensing unit, it is necessary to
first remove the electrical voltage to the cabinet
and then remove the dedicated protection
device on the front ("Fig. 22"). A dirty
condensing unit cools down less causing useless
consumption of energy and poor performance
of the cabinet.