Monosem TFC 2 Instrucciones De Uso página 6

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e mac ine s ould onl
e used, maintained and repaired
t e safet re ulations mentioned on t e mac ine and accessor stic ers and t ose iven in t is manual
efore transportin t e mac ine on pu lic i
complies it occupational safet re ulations
Followall recommended precautions :
● P.T.O: see attached precaution sheet.
● Do not work under the planter.
● Row markers: keep clear of the load.
● Lofding frames: keep clear of the load.
ATTEANTION: Because of its weight, do not leave the plater restinga Only on its 2 central drive wheels. Attaching or detaching the plater
when the plante ris stacked is strictly forbidden, the plater must be unstacked for these operations.
● Handling dangerous products: see instructions of manufacturer.
n addition to t e instructions contained in t is manual, le islation relatin to safet instructions and accident prevention s ould e complied it
arnin s a
ed to t e mac ine ive indications re ardin safet measures to e o served and elp to avoid accidents
en travellin on pu lic roads, a ide
efore startin
or , it is essential t at t e user familiari es imself it t e control and operatin elements of t e mac ine and t eir respective functions
en t e mac ine is runnin , it ma
e user s ould avoid earin loose clot in
e recommend usin a tractor it a safet ca or roll ar conformin to standards in force
efore startin up t e mac ine and e innin
lear an persons or animals out of t e dan er one
t is strictl for idden to transport an persons or animals on oard t e mac ine
e mac ine s ould onl
e coupled up to t e tractor at t e speciall provided to in points and in accordance it applica le safet standards
treme care must e ta en
efore itc in up t e mac ine, ensure t at t e front a le of t e tractor is su cientl
in accordance it t e instructions of t e tractor manufacturer
o not e ceed t e ma imum a le ei
o not e ceed t e ma imum aut ori ed dimensions for usin pu lic roads
efore enterin a pu lic road, ensure t at t e protective and si nallin devices li
ll remote controls cords, ca les, rods, oses, etc must e positioned so t at t e cannot accidentall set off an manoeuvre
accident or dama e
efore enterin a pu lic road, place t e mac ine in t e transport position, in accordance it t e manufacturer s instructions
ever leave t e driver s position
e speed and t e met od of operation must al a s e adapted to t e land, roads and pat s
recision of t e steerin , tractor ad esion, road oldin and effectiveness of t e ra in mec anism are in uenced
nature of t e mac ine ein to ed, t e front a le sta e and t e state of t e land or pat
a e e tra care
en cornerin , ta in account of t e over an , len t , ei
efore usin t e mac ine, ensure t at all protective devices are fitted and in ood condition
efore usin t e mac ine, c ec t at nuts and scre s are ti
23 - Do not stand in the operation area of the machine
e a are of an crus in and s earin
efore clim in do n from t e tractor, or efore an operation on t e mac ine, turn off t e en ine, remove t e e from t e i nition and ait until all
movin parts ave come to a standstill
o not stand et een t e tractor and t e mac ine until t e and ra e as een applied and or t e
efore an operation on t e mac ine, ensure t at it cannot e started up accidentall
o not use t e liftin rin to lift t e mac ine
trained emplo ees
a s, it is essential to ensure t at t e current
t e provisions of t e i
e too late
ic ma
e cau
or , c ec t e immediate surroundin s, particularl for c ildren
en couplin or uncouplin t e mac ine from t e tractor
t or t e ross ve icle ei
ilst t e tractor is runnin
ones on remote controlled parts
en it is loaded
o are a are of t e ris s involved
t up in t e movin parts
et er it is in operation or not
allast ei
t ratin
ts, re ectors, etc required
void sudden c an es of direction under all circumstances
t is essential, t erefore, t at t e appropriate care is ta en for eac
t and ei
t of t e mac ine or trailer ein to ed
ama ed protectors s ould e replaced immediatel
t, particularl t ose for attac in tools discs, ic ers, de ectors, etc
t is essential to respect
ode is o served and t at t e mac ine
a e sure t at visi ilit is adequate
ts s ould e fitted to t e special supports
la are fitted and or in properl
factors suc as t e ei
eels ave een ed ed
ic ma cause an
t and
ten if