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✉:[email protected] D0002/D0007 EN - Please read this instruction manual carefully before attempting to install. DE - Bitte lesen Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung vor der Montage gründlich durch. ES - Porfavor lea con atencionel manual de instrucciones antes dellevar a cabo el ensamble.
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✉:[email protected] IMPORTANT/ WICHTIG/ ATENCI6N IMPORTANT/ IMPORTANTE/ 重要 SAFETY ADVICE/ SICHERHEITSHINWEISE/ CONSEILS DE SÉCURITÉ/ CONSEJO DESEGURIDAD/ CONSIGLIDI SICUREZZA/ 安全アドバイス EN - We recommend 1 or more people to install. DE - Wir empfehlen die Installation durch eine oder mehrere Personen. ES - Recomendamos que lo instalen 1 o más personas.
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✉:[email protected] CARE ADVICE / PFLEGEHINWEISE / CONSEILS D'ENTRETIEN / CONSEJOS DE CUIDADO / CONSIGLI PERLACURA / ケアアドバイス EN - Wipewithsoftdrycloth. DE - Mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abwischen. ES -Limpie con un paño suave y seco. FR - Essuyer avec un chiffon doux et sec.
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✉:[email protected] EN - ① During the process of assembly, do not fully tighten bolts or screws until all bolts orscrewsare lined up and inserted into holes; ② do not over-tighten the screws or bolts toavoid stripping; ③ It is not recommended to use power tools.
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✉:[email protected] Product Diagram/ Produktdiagramm/ Diagramme duproduit/ 組み立て図 Diagrama del producto/ Diagramma del prodotto/ whatsapp: EN - If there are any parts missing, damaged or defective, please feel free tocontact us for support via the following email. DE - Sollten Teile fehlen, beschädigt oder defekt sein, können Sie sich gerneüber die folgende E-Mail an uns wenden, um Unterstützung zu erhalten.
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✉:[email protected] Hardware List/ Hardwareliste/ Liste du matériel/ Lista de ハードウェア hardware/ Elenco dell'hardware/ 14 PCS 12 PCS 16 PCS 3x12mm 2 PCS 2 PCS 2 PCS 2PCS 8 PCS 6 PCS 8 PCS 6 PCS 4x40mm 4x35mm 1 PC 2 PCS...
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✉:[email protected] WALL FIXING GUIDE/ ANLEITUNG ZUR WANDBEFESTIGUNG/ GUIDE DE FIXATIONMURALE/ GUÍA DE FIJACIÓN EN PARED/ GUIDA AL FISSAGGIO A PARETE/ 壁固定ガイド EN - Supplied wall plugs are only suitable for use in masonry walls.When drilling into walls, always check for hidden wires or pipes, et DE –...
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✉:[email protected] EN - Hammer Fixing Wall Plug: For use with concrete block or brick walls, or walls stuck with plasterboard. The hammer fixing allows it to be fixed to the wall rather than the plasterboard. Always check the fixing is secure to the retaining wall.
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✉:[email protected] If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase,please feel free to contact us using the following steps: 1.Go to Your Orders. 2.Find your order in the list. 3.Select Problem with order. 4.Choose your topic from list displayed. 5.Select Contact seller.