Retevis Ailunce HD2 Manual Del Usuario página 11

The transmission frequency of the radio is 439.2000-8.0000 MHz, which is 431.20000 MHz;
4)Choose a same color code with the repeater color code on the radio Band A or B set.
5)Choose DMR mode "repeater" for a repeater channel.
6)Choose a communication contact for this repeater channel;
7)After completing the above operations, go back to the standby interface. It will display the
frequency 439.2000Mhz, and DMR icon.
5.Frequency Scan and channel Scan operation
Frequency Scan
1)In the CPS, you can set the start and end scan frequency for VHF and UHF.
2)Under VFO mode, Short press [*SCAN] button to begin frequency scan, shortly press
[*SCAN] will stop the frequency scan
Channel scan
1)The priority channel can be set in the CPS as above picture shows.
2)When operating channel scan, if you choose a zone, it will scan all the channels in that zone,
if you choose "ALL Channels" it will scan every channel you programmed for the radio.
6.Emergency Alarm operation
Choose remote alarm or local alarm in the CPS. the top orange key is default to emergency
alarm key.
Short press to start emergency function, press again to stop alarm.
7.Import 500,000 DMR contacts operation
The HD2 has the ability to upload 500,000 DMR contacts into the radio. Download the digital
contacts from Ailunce website