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Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem
User Guide
Smart Modem
User Guide

Resumen de contenidos para Digi XBee 3 Cat 1

  • Página 1 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 2 Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Digi International. Digi provides this document “as is,” without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness or merchantability for a particular purpose.
  • Página 3 Include the document title and part number (Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide, 90002503 A) in the subject line of your email. Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 4 Contents Revision history—90002503 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Applicable firmware and hardware SIM cards Safety instructions Safety instructions Инструкции за безопасност Sigurnosne upute Bezpečnostní instrukce Sikkerhedsinstruktioner Veiligheidsinstructies Ohutusjuhised Turvallisuusohjeet Consignes de sécurité Sicherheitshinweise Οδηγίες ασφαλείας Biztonsági utasítások Istruzioni di sicurezza Drošības instrukcijas...
  • Página 5 API Request characteristic API Response characteristic Get started with Digi Remote Manager Create a Remote Manager account and add devices Create a Remote Manager account Add an XBee Smart Modem to Remote Manager Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 6 Use a host processor to update the device firmware for XBee 3 devices over UART Update the cellular firmware Update the cellular component firmware using Remote Manager Update the cellular firmware using the API Technical specifications Interface and hardware specifications RF characteristics Networking specifications Bands Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 7 Custom configuration: Create a new factory default Set a custom configuration Clear all custom configurations on a device SIM cards Cellular connection process Connecting Cellular network Data network connection Data communication with remote servers (TCP/UDP) Disconnecting Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 8 Transparent operating mode API operating mode USB direct mode Connect the hardware for USB Direct mode Enable USB direct mode Configure and use PPP with a Digi XBee 3 Cellular CAT 1 AT&T modem Command mode Enter Command mode Troubleshooting Send AT commands...
  • Página 9 Receive Socket Status indicating closed connection Extended Socket example: UDP Send a Socket Create frame Receive a Socket Create response Bind local source addres Receive Bind/Listen Response Send to Digi echo server Receive TX Status Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 10 DT (Cellular Network Time) AN (Access Point Name) OA (Operating APN) CP (Carrier Profile) BM (Bandmask) AM (Airplane Mode) DV (Secondary Antenna Function Switch) SQ (Reference Signal Received Quality) SW (Reference Signal Received Power) Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 11 D6 (DIO6/RTS) D7 (DIO7/CTS) D8 (DIO8/SLEEP_REQUEST) D9 (DIO9/ON_SLEEP) P0 (DIO10/PWM0 Configuration) P1 (DIO11/PWM1 Configuration) P2 (DIO12 Configuration) P3 (DIO13/DOUT) P4 (DIO14/DIN) PD (Pull Direction) PR (Pull-up/down Resistor Enable) M0 (PWM0 Duty Cycle) Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 12 ATFS RM file_or_directory ATFS INFO ATFS FORMAT confirm BLE commands BI (Bluetooth Identifier) BL (Bluetooth MAC address) BP (Bluetooth Advertisement Power Level) BT (Bluetooth enable) $S (SRP Salt) $V, $W, $X, $Y (SRP password verifier) Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 13 User Data Relay Output - 0xAD BLE Unlock API - 0x2C Example sequence to perform AT Command XBee API frames over BLE BLE Unlock Response - 0xAC Socket Create - 0x40 Socket Create Response - 0xC0 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 14 Bluetooth DTM protocol Example Regulatory testing commands %# (Enable/disable test mode) %1 (Start test mode) %2 (Stop test mode) %5 (Start modulated transmit) %6 (Stop transmit) %7 (Set EARFCN) %8 (Get the EARFCN) Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 15 Labeling requirements for the host device: FCC and ISED Regulatory Information Modification statement Interference statement FCC Class B digital device notice RF exposure FCC notices Regulatory Information: ISED Modification statement: ISED Interference statement: ISED RF exposure: ISED Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 16 This manual uses the placeholder value "xx" in the firmware versions listed above, as the manual documents the released features as of the time of its writing. Digi International periodically releases new firmware containing bug fixes and new features. As new firmware is released and distributor stock is refreshed, the new firmware will gradually become available without the need to update.
  • Página 17 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide SIM cards The device uses the following Thales (formerly Cinterion) cellular modem modules: Thales Global LTE Cat 1 module: PLS63-W Thales North America LTE Cat 1 module: PLS63-X SIM cards The XBee Smart Modem requires a 4FF nano-SIM card, which is the size normally used in most Smart phones.
  • Página 18 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Safety instructions Радио модулът XBee не е одобрен за използване в (този списък не е изчерпателен): медицински изделия ядрени приложения експлозивна или запалима атмосфера В радиомодула XBee няма компоненти, които могат да се обслужват от потребителя. Не...
  • Página 19 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Safety instructions Bezpečnostní instrukce moduly XBee Rádiový modul XBee nemůže zaručit provoz kvůli rádiovému spojení, a proto by neměl být používán pro blokování v zařízeních kritických z hlediska bezpečnosti, jako jsou stroje nebo automobilové...
  • Página 20 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Safety instructions Slutbrugeren skal fortælles, hvordan man fjerner strømmen fra XBee-radiomodulet eller placerer antennerne 20 cm fra mennesker eller dyr. Veiligheidsinstructies XBee-modules De werking van de XBee-radiomodule kan niet worden gegarandeerd vanwege de radioverbinding en mag daarom niet worden gebruikt voor vergrendelingen in veiligheidskritieke apparaten zoals machines of autotoepassingen.
  • Página 21 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Safety instructions Olge käsitsemisel ettevaatlik, et vältida PCB ja komponentide elektrikahjustusi. Ärge jätke XBee raadiomooduleid vee või niiskuse kätte. Kasutage seda toodet XBee mooduli kasutusjuhendis kirjeldatud antennidega. Lõppkasutajale tuleb öelda, kuidas XBee raadiomoodulilt toide eemaldada või antennid inimestest või loomadest 20 cm kaugusele paigutada.
  • Página 22 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Safety instructions en dehors de la conformité réglementaire pour un pays donné, ce qui peut entraîner un fonctionnement illégal de la radio. Utilisez la protection ESD standard de l'industrie lors de la manipulation du module XBee.
  • Página 23 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Safety instructions ιατροτεχνολογικά προϊόντα πυρηνικές εφαρμογές εκρηκτικές ή εύφλεκτες ατμόσφαιρες Δεν υπάρχουν εξαρτήματα που να μπορούν να επισκευαστούν από το χρήστη μέσα στη μονάδα ραδιοφώνου XBee. Μην αφαιρείτε την ασπίδα και μην τροποποιείτε το XBee με κανέναν τρόπο.
  • Página 24 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Safety instructions Il funzionamento del modulo radio XBee non può essere garantito a causa del collegamento radio e quindi non deve essere utilizzato per gli interblocchi in dispositivi critici per la sicurezza come macchine o applicazioni automobilistiche.
  • Página 25 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Safety instructions Saugos instrukcijos XBee moduliai Negalima garantuoti, kad „XBee“ radijo modulis veiks dėl radijo ryšio, todėl jo neturėtų būti naudojamas blokuoti saugai svarbiuose įrenginiuose, pvz., mašinose ar automobiliuose. XBee radijo modulis nebuvo patvirtintas naudoti (šis sąrašas nėra baigtinis): medicinos prietaisai branduolinės programos...
  • Página 26 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Safety instructions Instrukcje bezpieczeństwa Moduły XBee Moduł radiowy XBee nie może zagwarantować działania ze względu na łącze radiowe, dlatego nie należy go używać do blokad w urządzeniach o krytycznym znaczeniu dla bezpieczeństwa, takich jak maszyny lub aplikacje motoryzacyjne.
  • Página 27 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Safety instructions O usuário final deve ser informado sobre como remover a energia do módulo de rádio XBee ou localizar as antenas a 20 cm de humanos ou animais. Instructiuni de siguranta module XBee Nu se poate garanta funcționarea modulului radio XBee din cauza conexiunii radio și, prin...
  • Página 28 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Safety instructions Pri manipulácii buďte opatrní, aby ste predišli elektrickému poškodeniu dosky plošných spojov a komponentov. Rádiové moduly XBee nevystavujte vode ani vlhkosti. Tento produkt používajte s anténami špecifikovanými v používateľských príručkách modulu XBee.
  • Página 29 Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide Safety instructions de cualquier garantía y pueden hacer que la radio XBee funcione fuera del cumplimiento normativo de un país determinado, lo que puede provocar una operación ilegal de la radio.
  • Página 30 If the antenna is mounted at least 21 cm from nearby persons, the application is considered a mobile application. The antennas below have been approved for use with this module. Digi does not carry all of these antenna variants. Contact Digi Sales for available antennas.
  • Página 31 Limite ISED GSM/GPRS 850 5.00 dBi PCS1900 5.00 dBi WCDMA/LTE Band 2 5.00 dBi 8.01 dBi WCDMA/LTE Band 4 5.00 dBi 5.00 dBi WCDMA/LTE Band 5 5.00 dBi 9.40 dBi 6.10 dBi Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 32 FCC grant which includes significant extra testing and cost. If an embedded trace or chip antenna is desired contact a Digi sales representative for information on how to engage with a lab to get the modified FCC grant.
  • Página 33 This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. L'appareil hôte doit être étiqueté comme il faut pour permettre l'identification des modules qui s'y trouvent. Pour plus d'informations, reportez-vous au tableau des approbations réglementaires. Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 34 Contains FCC ID: QIPPLS63-W Contains FCC ID: QIPPLS63-W Contains IC: 1846A-XB3C2 Contains IC: 1846A-XB3C2 Contains IC: 7830A-PLS63-W Contains IC: 7830A-PLS63-W Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme à la norme canadienne ICES-003. Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 35 Regulatory Information: ISED. Modification statement Digi International has not approved any changes or modifications to this device by the user. Any changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Interference statement This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and ISED (Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada) license-exempt RSS standard(s).
  • Página 36 Re-orient or relocate the receiving antenna, Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver, Connect equipment and receiver to outlets on different circuits, or Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Digi XBee® 3 Cat 1 Smart Modem User Guide...
  • Página 37 The following regulatory information is for Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). Modification statement: ISED Digi International n’approuve aucune modification apportée à l’appareil par l’utilisateur, quelle qu’en soit la nature. Tout changement ou modification peuvent annuler le droit d’utilisation de l’appareil par l’utilisateur.