Tempus Pro Controller 4-8-12-16
Setting Seasonal Water Budget
Tempus Pro Controller has been pre-set to automatically adjust the Budget to follow
the average seasonal weather changes. A different value of a Budget is set every 10
days of each month, for a total of 36 different budget values for the all year.
• Press the
button to access the Controller's Settings.
• Press the
buttons to select SEASONAL.
• Press the
buttons to select:
HEMISPH-N On, if the Controller is in the North Hemisphere,
HEMISPH-S On, if the Controller is in the South Hemisphere.
(Please see Figure 6 on page 17).
Setting Time Mode
• Press the
button to access the Controller's Settings.
• Press the
buttons to select TIME MODE.
• Press the
buttons to select:
1. H-MM ONLY to set Run Time range
from 1 min to 8 hours, increment in minutes:
Off → 1m . . → . .8h
1. H-MM/MM-SS to set Run Time range
from 1 sec to 7 min and 59 sec, increment in seconds, and then from 8 minutes to 8
hours , increments in minutes:
Off → 1s . . → . . 7m 59s, increments in seconds
→ 8m. . → . . 8h, increments in minutes.
Note 1: when the Run Time is in the MM-SS range the symbol m:s will appear on the
display at the right bottom side.
Note 2: Time Mode applies to all Program's Run Time and to Manual Run Time.
Setting No AC Mode
• Press the
button to access the Controller's Settings.
• Press the
buttons to select NO AC MODE.
• Press the
buttons to select:
1. Set RUN PROGRM to have automatic irrigation cycles to advance regularly during
24Vac outages. During power outages no irrigation is possible. When 24Vac is back
again all automatic irrigation will take place at the correct programmed times but
eventual irrigation that was supposed to occur during power outages will be lost.
2. Set HOLD PROGR to have automatic irrigation cycles to be put on HOLD during
24Vac outages.
During power outages no irrigation is possible. When 24Vac is back again all
automatic irrigation will restart and no watering is lost, but watering will occur later
respect to the programmed time.
Setting Station Delay
• Press the
button to access the Controller's Settings.
• Press the
buttons to select STN DELAY.
• Press the
button to select a delay from the closing of a station to the
opening of the next station within the same irrigation program:
Off → 1s . . → . .8m, increments in seconds.
Note: real delay may be up to 1 second more respect to the set delay time.
Note: during the delay the MV (Punp Start), if connected, is ON.