Pur Line EFP71 Guia Del Usuario página 5

Horno de exterior con piedra para pizza
area. Chimenea & Fire pits can continue to remain hot and smoulder for a full 24 hours after the visible fire has
been extinguished. Smouldering chimeneas or fire pits are a common cause of injuries and burns, especially
for children.
The surface of this product will discolour when placed outdoors and from first use,due to the nature of the
product and the heat/naked flames.
Chimeneas or Firepits need to be placed in a safe location. Do not place them near buildings,walls,outdoor
furniture,inflatable pools or other flammable items. Nearby items could catch fire from heat or flames. Position
on a non flammable surface, clear of overhanging objects.
The product is for outdoor use only,and will become very hot during use.
Using the wrong materials inside a fire pit can be dangerous.Make sure touse only coal or wood.
Do not use highly flammable items such as clothing, rags, paper towels, tissues or other items that could burn
uncontrollably. Do not use petrol, white spirit, lighter fuel, alcohol or similar substances to light a fire. Never
leave the product unattended.
Chimeneas or Fire pits should be protected from wind and not used when winds are high or gusty. Wind
casuses the smoke and fire to blow around, which could spread burning embers.When using Chimeneas or
Fire pits during light breezes, keep an eye on it to ensure no small embers escape.
Do not place Chimeneas or Fire pits near anything that could catch fire.
Supervised Children and Pets when the fire pit is in use.
Ensure that everyone near the Chimeneas or Fire pits understands it is an active fire and can produce smoke
and embers. Do not allow children or animals to get close to Chimeneas or Fire pits to avoid smoke inhalation
and burns.
The Chimeneas or Fire pits will get very hot and could burn someone if they get too close.
Chimeneas or Fire pits are dangerous if the fire is not extinguished properly. Do not extinguish the fire by
pouring water into a hot fire bowl because this may cause distortion, rust or flaking paint. Fire should be
allowed to die out on its own, or extinguished with a fire extinguisher. Its important to note that fire can
continue to smoulder and embers remain hot even if there is no visible flame. Make sure to stay near the fire
pit after the flame is out to check for burning embers or smoke, which could indicate that a live fire still exists.
When in doubt, after the bowl has been allowed plenty of time to cool down, fill the inside of the fire pit with
water to make sure all the fire is out. The fire pit could still be hot for hours after use.
Once you are sure the fire is out and there is no danger of being burned, dispose of any remaining ash and fire
fuel(coal or wood), then wipe the fire pit clean with a rag and water.
DO NOT USE A CHEMICAL BASED CLEANER as this may ignite a flame on next use.
It is best to keep the Chimeneas or Fire pits out of the rain. After you are sure the fire is completely extinguished,
clean it out and store it away so it does not get wet from outdoor conditioins.
The fire pit should be completely cleaned and dried after use.
Make sure to cover the fire pit to prevent rust.
We can't be held liable for rust due to weather conditions.
Les utilisateurs doivent faire preuve de prudence et d'attention lors de l'utilisation de ce produit.
Ce produit est destiné à être utilisé à l'extérieur et deviendra très chaud pendant son utilisation.
Ce produit ne doit être utilisé qu'à l'extérieur. Si vous l'installez sur un patio, la zone doit être dégagée et le toit doit être
ouvert pour que toute émission de fumée puisse s'échapper facilement.
Installez l'appareil sur une surface plane, loin de tout ce qui pourrait constituer une menace d'incendie. Comme cet
article est bas sur le sol, gardez toujours un œil sur le feu.