The highpressure s tream ofwater that t his
equipment produces cancutthrough skin andits
nderlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
possible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can cause injury.
. DONOTallowCHILDREN t o operatepressure washer.
• Keephigh pressure hoseconnected to pumpand spraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
• NEVER aimspraygun at people, a nimals,or plants.
DONOT securespraygun in openposition.
DONOT leavespraygun unattended whilemachine is running.
• NEVER usea spraygun whichdoesnot havea triggerlockor
trigger guardin placeandin workingorder.
• Alwaysbe certainspraygun,nozzles andaccessories a re
ontact with muffler area can result in serious
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damage fuel tank causing a fire.
. DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOID hot exhaust gases.
• Allow equipment to cool before touching.
Keep at least 5 feet (1.5 m) of clearance on all sides of pressure
washer including overhead.
Code of Federal Regulation (CFR)Title 36 Parks, Forests, and
Public Property require equipment powered by an internal
combustion engine to have a spark arrester, maintained in
effective working order, complying to USDAForest service
standard 5100-1C or later revision. In the State of California a
spark arrester is required under section 4442 of the California
Public resources code. Other states may havesimilar laws.
Howto Stop YourPressureWasher
1. Releasespray gun trigger and let engine idle for two
2. Turn engine off according to instructions given in
engine operator's manual.
3. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction and
squeezespray gun trigger to release retained high
water pressure.
The high pressure stream of water that this
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
nderlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
)ossible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can cause injury.
• Keephigh pressure hoseconnected to pumpand spraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
. ALWAYS pointspraygun in safedirectionand squeeze spray
gun trigger,to release high pressure, e verytime youstop
engine.Engage triggerlockwhennot in use.
IMPOBTANT: Spray gun traps high water pressure, even
when engine is stopped and water is disconnected.
4. Engagetrigger lock on spray gun when not in use.
How to Use Accessory Tray
The unit is equipped with an accessory tray with places to
store your spray gun, nozzle extension and quick connect
spray tips. There is also a hook at the front of the accessory
tray to hold your high pressure hose.
NOTE:The extra hole in the tray is for storing a utility brush.
The extra clip in the tray is for storing a turbo nozzle.The
brush and turbo nozzleare NOT included with your pressure
washer. You can buy these items as optional accessories.
1. Place nozzle extension through hole on accessory tray,
as shown.