Creasol Multi Guia De Inicio Rapido

Este dispositivo es capaz de duplicar varios tipos de controles remotos para portones, puertas de garaje, barreras que transmiten en frecuencias entre 433 y 868 mhz

Enlaces rápidos

Creasol Multi/MultiST
Multi-frequency duplicator
Copies up to 4 existing remote
controls for gates, garage doors,
barriers, 433 and 868 MHz
433.92, 868.3, 315
, 418
Effective Radiated
-10dBm ERP max
Power supply:
(3V 220mAh)
Current in TX:
9÷18 mA
Current in standby
0 µA
-10°C ÷ +55°C
Frequencies marked with * are not
available inside European Union.
Made in EU
Discover our products for smart home automation!
Creasol DomBus devices for the free/open source Domoticz home automation
controller, designed to be easy to use, versatile, minimize power consumption using
RS485-bus connection (standard cable with 2 wires for data and 2 for 12V power supply)
DomBusTH: temperature, humity, 4 inputs, 2 outputs, 3 LEDs (white, green, red).
DomBus12: very compact device, 7 inputs, 2 inputs/outputs.
DomBus23: 3 relay outputs, 6 inputs, 1 AC input or relay.
DomBus30: power supply for Raspberry PI, DomBus bus and videosurveillance. Also, it
manages a 12V backup battery to supply domotic system in case of power outage.
DomBus31: 8 relay outputs: 6x NO contacts, 2x NO/NC contacts.
DomESP1: board for ESP8266 module with WiFi, 4 relay outputs, 1 SSR output,
2 high-current mosfets, 1 one-wire, I2C bus, 1 analog input.
Using Domoticz + DomBus it's possible to manage, by smartphone app, web browser
and pushbuttons:
indoor/outdoor lights; roller shutters; ...
garden watering, controlling the water tank level, meteo and soil moisture;
heat pump,maximizing the energy consumption from the photovoltaic system;
ventilation and dehumidification;
automatically activates electric heaters in case of extra power production;
complete burglar alarm system, checking magnetic contact sensors on
doors/windows/blinds, PIR sensors, IR barriers, ...
send IP camera snapshot on smartphone when doorbell has been pushed; send IP
camera short video when an outdoor alarm sensor have been activated.
dit apparaat kan verschillende soorten afstandsbedieningen dupliceren
voor poorten, garagedeuren en slagbomen, die uitzenden op frequenties tussen 433 en
868 MHz; buiten Europa is ook het bereik 286-418 MHz ingeschakeld. Elke knop is
onafhankelijk, dus het is mogelijk om maximaal 4 verschillende afstandsbedieningen
te klonen, zelfs als ze op verschillende frequenties werken.
1. Druk de knoppen 1 en 2 samen in, totdat de LED groen wordt.
2. Laat alle knoppen los.
3. Druk kort op de knop waarop u de originele afstandsbediening wilt dupliceren.
4. Begin met zenden door de knop op de originele afstandsbediening ingedrukt te
houden, op 10 cm afstand van dit apparaat.
Wanneer het dupliceren eindigt, knippert de LED 2 keer in het geval van een vaste
code, of 4 keer in het geval van een rolling code: in het laatste geval werkt het
mogelijk niet. Vervolgens wordt de LED groen en wordt de duplicatieprocedure
opnieuw gestart vanaf punt 3, waardoor u snel andere afstandsbedieningen kunt
dupliceren. Na het dupliceren moet elke knop minstens 2 keer worden ingedrukt om
er zeker van te zijn dat het hek of de garage correct werkt. Bij punt 3 is het mogelijk
om N keer op de knop te drukken (zie Tab.1) om de leerfrequentie voor die knop in te
Programmeren van een willekeurige
willekeurige code op één of meerdere knoppen in te stellen, zelfs op verschillende
1. Druk de knoppen 3 en 4 samen in, totdat de LED groen wordt.
2. Laat alle knoppen los.
3. Druk een aantal keren op de knop waar u de code wilt initialiseren,
overeenkomend met de gewenste frequentie, zoals aangegeven in Tab.1.
De afstandsbediening knippert 2 keer.
Batterijstatus en vervanging:
als tijdens het verzenden of dupliceren beide LED's
knipperen (rood en groen), is de batterijspanning laag: in dit geval moet de batterij
leeg zijn of de temperatuur te laag. In het eerste geval moet de behuizing worden
geopend (door een schroevendraaier in de sleuf linksonder te plaatsen) en de
bestaande batterij te vervangen door een nieuwe CR2032-batterij.
bewaar de batterij buiten het bereik van kinderen en dieren;
bel onmiddellijk een arts als de batterij is ingeslikt. De batterij mag nooit in contact
komen met andere metalen voorwerpen, omdat hierdoor de batterij kan ontladen en
het apparaat kan verbranden of beschadigen. Beschadigde of lege batterijen moeten
op de juiste manier worden weggegooid. Gooi de batterij niet weg bij het gewone
Gebruik het apparaat niet in de buurt van locaties die gevoelig zijn voor radio-
interferentie, zoals vliegtuigen en ziekenhuizen. Bewaar of gebruik het apparaat niet
op plaatsen waar het kan worden blootgesteld aan vocht, stoom, hoge
luchtvochtigheid, stof, gammastraling en röntgenstraling.
de garantie voldoet aan de wettelijke vereisten en dekt alleen defecten in
materiaal, vakmanschap of gebrek aan conformiteit. In verband met eventuele
garantiegerelateerde zaken dient u contact op te nemen met uw plaatselijke dealer.
Uw garantieaanspraken gelden alleen voor het land waar het apparaat is gekocht. De
batterij valt niet onder de garantievoorwaarden.
Creasol verklaart hierbij dat deze afstandsbediening
voldoet aan de essentiële eisen van de Europese Richtlijn 2014/53/EU. Toegepaste
normen: EN 300 220, EN 301 489, EN60950, EN62479.
De conformiteitsverklaring kan worden opgevraagd op
Creasol Multi/MultiST
Multi-frequency universal
remote control duplicator
Copy remote controls that
transmit at 433.92 and 868.3
and, only extra-EU, 286÷360,
384÷400, 403.55 and 418 MHz
C r e a s o l
only creative solutions
code: volg onderstaande instructies om een
this device is able to duplicate several types of remote control for
gates, garage doors, barriers, which transmit in frequencies between 433 and 868
MHz; outside Europe also 286÷418 MHz range is enabled. Each button is
independent, so it's possible to clone up to 4 different remote controls, even if they
operates in different frequencies.
1. Press together buttons 1 and 2, until LED goes green.
2. Release all buttons.
3. Press and release the button where you wish to duplicate the original remote
4. Start to transmit by pressing and holding the button on the original remote control,
keeping it at 10cm from this device.
When duplication ends, LED flashes 2 times in case of fixed code, or 4 times in case
of rolling code: in the latter case it might not work. Then LED goes green and
duplication procedure restart from point 3, permitting to duplicate other remote
controls quickly. After duplication, each button should be pressed at least 2 times to
assure that the gate or garage works correctly. At point 3, it's possible to press the
button N times (see Tab.1) to set the learning frequency for that button.
Programming a random code:
follow the instructions below to set a random code
on one or more buttons, even in different frequencies:
1. Press together buttons 3 and 4, until LED goes green.
2. Release all buttons.
3. Press the button, where you wish to initialize the code, a number of times
corresponding to the desired frequency, as indicated in Tab.1.
The remote control emits 2 flashes, then it's possible to initialize a new random code
on another button restarting the procedure from point 3.
Battery status and replacement:
if, during transmission or duplication, both LEDs
blink (red and green), the battery voltage is low: in this case the battery should be
flat, or the temperature too low. In the first case, the enclosure should be opened
(inserting a screwdriver in the slot placed in the bottom-left part), and replacing the
existing battery with a new CR2032 battery.
Safety instructions:
keep the battery well out of reach of children and animals; call a
doctor immediately if the battery is swallowed. The battery should never come in
contact with other metallic objects as this may discharge the battery and may burn or
damage the device. Damaged or flat batteries should be disposed of correctly. Do not
dispose of battery with standard household refuse.
Do not use the device near locations which are sensitive to radio interference, like
aircraft and hospitals. Do not store or operate the device in locations that may be
subjected to damp, steam, high humidity, dust, gamma and X-rays.
the warranty complies with statutory requirements, and covers only
defect in material, workmanship or lack of conformity. Your local stockist should be
contacted in connection with any warranty-related matters. Your warranty
entitlements only apply to the country in which the device was purchased. Battery is
not covered by the terms of the warranty.
CE Declaration of Conformity:
Creasol hereby declares that this remote control
meets the essential requirements of the European Directive 2014/53/EU. Applied
standards: EN 300 220, EN 301 489, EN60950, EN62479.
Declaration of Conformity can be optained from
questo dispositivo consente di duplicare numerosi tipi di
radiocomandi per apricancello, basculanti, barriere, che trasmettano nelle frequenze
da 433 a 868 MHz; fuori Europa è abilitato anche il range di frequenze fra 286 e 418
MHz. Ogni tasto può essere gestito in modo autonomo, cosicché è possibile clonare
fino a 4 radiocomandi anche se trasmettono in frequenze diverse.
1. Premere contemporaneamente i tasti 1 e 2 finché il LED diventa verde.
2. Rilasciare i tasti.
3. Premere e rilasciare il tasto su cui si vuole memorizzare il radiocomando originale.
4. Portare in trasmissione il radiocomando originale, tenendolo a 10cm di distanza.
La duplicazione si conclude con l'emissione di 2 lampeggi nel caso di
memorizzazione di un codice fisso, oppure 4 lampeggi nel caso di un codice rolling:
in questo caso il radiocomando potrebbe non funzionare. A questo punto il LED
diventa verde e la procedura di apprendimento riparte dal punto 3, consentendo la
duplicazione veloce di altri radiocomandi sugli altri tasti. Dopo la memorizzazione, è
necessario testare ciascun tasto più volte per verificarne il corretto funzionamento.
Al punto 3, è possibile premere il tasto N volte (Tab.1) per stabilire a priori la
frequenza di apprendimento associata a quel tasto.
Programmazione di un codice casuale:
più tasti, anche in frequenze diverse:
1. Premere contemporaneamente i tasti 3 e 4 finché il LED diventa verde.
2. Rilasciare i tasti.
3. Premere il tasto in cui si vuole inizializzare un nuovo codice per un numero di
volte corrispondente alla frequenza di trasmissione, come indicato in Tab.1.
Il radiocomando emetterà 2 lampeggi e la procedura ripartirà dal punto 3.
Stato della batteria e sostituzione:
se durante la trasmissione o la duplicazione
lampeggiano entrambi i LED (verde e rosso), la tensione di batteria risulta bassa: in
questo caso la batteria potrebbe essere ormai scarica, oppure la temperatura molto
bassa o semplicemente il radiocomando è in trasmissione da molto tempo. Per
sostituire la batteria, aprire la scatola inserendo un cacciavite nella fessura in basso a
sinistra, e rimpiazzare la batteria esistente con una nuova pila CR2032.
Norme di sicurezza:
conservare le batterie fuori dalla portata dei bambini e animali;
in caso di ingestione chiamare subito un medico. Non mettere le batterie a contatto
con oggetti metallici. Smaltire le batterie danneggiate o esaurite, dopo averle
imballate, negli appositi centri di raccolta. Conservare il radiocomando fuori dalla
portata dei bambini ed animali. Non azionare il radiocomando in luoghi sensibili alle
emissioni radio (aeroporti, ospedali, ...). Non conservare il radiocomando in ambienti
con elevata umidità, vapori, polveri, oppure esposto a raggi gamma o X.
è conforme alle disposizioni di legge, e copre solo difetti, interni al
dispositivo, sui materiali e sul processo produttivo. Il referente per eventuali
prestazioni in garanzia è il rivenditore. Il diritto di garanzia è applicabile solo per il
paese in cui il prodotto è stato acquistato. La batteria non è inclusa nella garanzia.
Dichiarazione di Conformità CE:
Creasol dichiara che il radiocomando soddisfa i
requisiti essenziali della Direttiva Europea 2014/53/EU.
Norme applicate: EN 300 220, EN 301 489, EN60950, EN62479.
La Dichiarazione di Conformità può essere scaricata da
per impostare un codice casuale su uno o

Resumen de contenidos para Creasol Multi

  • Página 1 Battery status and replacement: if, during transmission or duplication, both LEDs Creasol DomBus devices for the free/open source Domoticz home automation blink (red and green), the battery voltage is low: in this case the battery should be controller, designed to be easy to use, versatile, minimize power consumption using flat, or the temperature too low.
  • Página 2 2014/53/EU. (RED). Normes appliquées: EN 300 220, EN 301 489, EN60950, EN62479. Konformitätserklärung kann unte eingesehen werden. Déclaration de Conformité peut être obtenu à partir ESPAÑOL PORTUGUÊS Introducción: este dispositivo es capaz de duplicar varios tipos de controles remotos Introdução:...

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