Areas of responsibility
Responsibilities of the manufacturer of the original equipment:
Responsible for supplying the product, including the User Manual and
original accessories, in a completely safe condition.
Responsibilities of the manufacturer of the non-original equipment:
The manufacturers of non-original equipment for the product are
responsible for developing, implementing and communicating
safety concepts for their products. They are responsible for the
effectiveness of the concepts in combination with the equipment.
Responsibilities of the person in charge of the instrument:
The person responsible for the instrument must ensure that the
equipment is used in accordance with the instructions. This person
also is accountable for the deployment of personnel and for their
training and for the safety of the equipment when in use.
The person in charge of the instrument has the following duties:
To understand the safety instructions on the product and the instructions in the
User Manual.
To be familiar with local safety regulations relating to accident prevention.
To inform the local dealer immediately if the equipment becomes unsafe.
Hazards in use
Measurements if the instrument is defective or if has been dropped or has been
misused or modified.
Carry out test measurements periodically. Particularly after he instru-
ment has been subject to abnormal use, and before, during or after
important measurements. Make sure the optics is kept clean and that
there is no mechanical damage to the bumpers.
In using the instrument for distance measurements or for positioning
moving objects(e.g. cranes, building equipment, platforms, etc.) unfore-
seen events may cause erroneous measurements.
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