Ametek SURGEX XR315 Manual De Usuario página 39

Eliminador de sobrecarga para aplicaciones residenciales
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Manual de usuario
The XR315 also supports latching switches, contact closure and applied DC voltage, but these
types of input cannot be used with multiple control locations – they are intended primarily for a
small system or for hook-up to a central controller. The front-panel push-button will not work
with a latching switch, contact closure or applied voltage inputs.
15.1.2 12V DC Output
The 12V dc output can be used to drive LEDs, thereby showing the operational status at remote
control locations. This output can drive up to 40mA which can power four LEDs at 10mA each,
or more LEDs at reduced current. A resistor is required for each LED to limit the current. The
12V dc output can also provide confirmation to a central controller or be used to drive a small
relay (40mA maximum coil current). The 12V dc output can be configured to control an external
bank of equipment as an alternative to or in additional to the aux relay. See section 3.2 for
connection details and section 5.3 for programming details.
The 12V dc output has a special use when XR315s are cascaded together – this is covered in the
section on cascaded systems.
15.1.3 Auxiliary Relay
The primary uses of the aux relay are to control other remote turn-on products or to provide status
feedback to a central controller to confirm that the unit has completed the requested operation.
Details of using the aux relay to control other products are covered in the specific applications
sections. The aux relay provides one normally-open contact at the rear terminal block and can
handle 1 amp at up to 30 volts dc. See section 3.2 for connection details and section 5.4 for
programming details.
The aux relay has a special use when XR315s are ganged or cascaded together – this is covered in
the sections on ganged and cascaded systems.
15.1.4 Over-Ride Function
The XR315 has an over-ride function that can be used for fire safety and other applications where
the power must be held on or forced off. The over-ride function is programmable so that it can be
set to either force the unit off or force it on. When a signal is applied to the over-ride input the
unit will be forced on or off regardless of the main inputs.
If the unit has been forced off by an over-ride, the Over-Ride Restore menu option determines
whether the unit will power up again or remain off.
There is a special delay which can be used only with an over-ride condition. This allows a faster
turn-on (or turn-off). It is not recommended to use the special delay with expanded systems.
The over-ride input can be programmed to accept either a contact closure or applied dc voltage.
See section 3.2 for connection details and section 5.2 for programming details.
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