Mac allister M4MTP25-2 Manual página 59

M4MTP25-2 by M a c A llis te r
M4MTP25-2 by M a c A llis te r
NOTA: el estado de los conductos de aceite puede comprobarse fácilmente.
N O T E : The condition of the oil passages can be easily
si los conductos están limpios, la cadena realizará automáticamente una
checked. If the passages are clear, the chain will
N O T E : The condition of the oil passages can be easily
pulverización de aceite unos segundos después de arrancar el producto. este
automatically give off a spray of oil within seconds of
checked. If the passages are clear, the chain will
producto está equipado con un sistema de lubricación automático.
the product starting. Your product is equipped with an
automatically give off a spray of oil within seconds of
automatic oiling system.
the product starting. Your product is equipped with an
compruebe el engranaje de transmisión (D10). si está desgastado o dañado debido
automatic oiling system.
Check the drive sprocket (D10). If it is worn or damaged due
al esfuerzo, deberá sustituirlo un centro de servicio autorizado.
to strain, have it replaced by an authorised service agent.
Check the drive sprocket (D10). If it is worn or damaged due
limpie los residuos de los raíles de la espada (D7) con un destornillador, una
Clear residue from the rails on the guide bar (D7) using a
to strain, have it replaced by an authorised service agent.
espátula, un cepillo de alambre u otra herramienta similar. esto mantendrá abiertos
screwdriver, putty knife, wire brush or other similar tool.
Clear residue from the rails on the guide bar (D7) using a
los conductos de aceite para suministrar la lubricación adecuada a la espada (D7)
This will keep the oil passages open to provide proper
screwdriver, putty knife, wire brush or other similar tool.
y a la cadena (D6). (consulte la Fig. 26b)
lubrication to the guide bar (D7) and saw chain (D6).
This will keep the oil passages open to provide proper
lubrication to the guide bar (D7) and saw chain (D6).
Check the guide bar 'rail' for wear: Hold a ruler (straight
compruebe si el "raíl" de la espada presenta desgaste. sostenga una regla (de
edge) against the side of the guide bar and 'cutter side
Check the guide bar 'rail' for wear: Hold a ruler (straight
borde recto) contra el lateral de la espada y las "placas laterales de corte". si existe
plates'. If there is a gap between the ruler and guide bar the
edge) against the side of the guide bar and 'cutter side
guide bar 'rail' is normal. If there is no gap (ruler flush
una holgura entre la regla y la espada, el raíl de la espada es normal. si no hay
plates'. If there is a gap between the ruler and guide bar the
against the side of the guide bar) the guide bar 'rail' is worn
holgura (la regla queda al ras contra el lateral de la espada), el raíl de la espada
guide bar 'rail' is normal. If there is no gap (ruler flush
and needs to be replaced with a new one of the same type.
against the side of the guide bar) the guide bar 'rail' is worn
está desgastado y esta debe sustituirse por una nueva del mismo tipo. (consulte
and needs to be replaced with a new one of the same type.
la Fig. 26c)
Turn the guide bar 180° to allow even wear, thereby
extending the life span of the guide bar (D7).
Turn the guide bar 180° to allow even wear, thereby
gire la espada 180° para que el desgaste sea uniforme, lo que prolongará la vida
Check the saw chain for possible wear and damages.
extending the life span of the guide bar (D7).
Replace it with a new one if required. Experienced user can
útil de la espada (D7).
Check the saw chain for possible wear and damages.
sharpen a dull saw chain (see section " S a w c h a in
Replace it with a new one if required. Experienced user can
compruebe la cadena por si presentara desgaste y daños. si es necesario, sustitúyala.
s h a r pe n in g " below).
sharpen a dull saw chain (see section " S a w c h a in
Un usuario experimentado puede afilar la cadena si está roma (consulte la sección
Refit the saw chain (D6) and the guide bar (D7) as
s h a r pe n in g " below).
"Afilado de la cadena" a continuación).
described under " A s s e m bly " .
Refit the saw chain (D6) and the guide bar (D7) as
Vuelva a colocar la cadena (D6) y la espada (D7) como se describe en la sección
described under " A s s e m bly " .
M4MTP25-3663602627838-MAC-ES-V01.indd 59
Ma in te n a n c e a n d R e pa ir s
Mantenimiento y reparaciones
Ma in te n a n c e a n d R e pa ir s
Fig. 26b
Fig. 26b
Fig. 26b
Fig. 26c
Fig. 26c
Fig. 26c
4/18/2018 11:11:03 AM