Cleaning Vacuum Gauge Sensor
1. Rotate the sensor locking dial to the unlock position
2. Grab the brass portion of the sensor and pull it away
from the main body
3. Remove the filter by unscrewing the brass sensor
component from the brass flare component
4. The filter will be located at the bottom of the threaded
portion of the flared brass component
5. Drop 1-3 drops of >90% isopropyl alcohol
into the hole located on the threaded end of the brass
sensor component
6. Let the alcohol sit in the sensor hole for approximately a minute then gently shake the
remaining liquid out
7. Replace the filter and screw the two brass components back together until the
components are hand tight
8. To reinstall the sensor, line up the indented line on the brass body to the line on the
sensor locking dial and push into the body until the hex portion of brass sensor is flush
with the bottom of the sensor locking dial
9. Twist the sensor locking dial back to the locked position
10. Lastly, put the gauge on a vacuumed system for 3 minutes to remove
remaining alcohol
Using the Vacuum Gauge on a System
1. Press and hold POWER button to turn on the vacuum gauge
2. Secure the vacuum gauge to a ¼" male flare in the desired area where the vacuum
is to be measured
JB INDUSTRIES • Wireless Vacuum Gauge Operating Manual • 630.851.9444 •
[email protected]
Pour 1-3 drops of
isopropyl alcohol