system configurations
Introductory guidelines on Line-Array system configurations
Line-Arrays work because of the interactions of the different
transducers in each array element. Some of these interactions
result in negative effects, such as distortion and phase is-
sues, the benefits of energy summing and a degree of vertical
directivity control prevail as the advantages of using Line-Array
The IDEA DSP Line-Array settings aim to facilitate a simplified
approach to the Line- Array setup and deployment and focus on
two fundamental factors that affect the behavior of the array in
terms of directivity and frequency response linearity.
Array Length
The first factor is Array Length, which influences the range of
frequencies in which the linearity of the response of the array is
affected by the total distance between the axis of all the trans-
ducers aligned in the vertical plane.
This is specially noticeable in the LF, as the LF woofers, due
to their proximity in relation the their band pass, sum acoustic
energy particularly efficiently, and require a compensation of
the amplitude of the LF signal from the crossover point with the
subwoofers up to different frequency points depending on the
number of elements present in the array.
For this purpose the Settings are grouped in four Array lengths/
Element counts: 4 -6, 6-8, 8-12 and 12-16.
Array Curvature
The second key element for the DSP setting of the Arrays is the
curvature of the array. Many different combination of angles can
be set by the operators of a Line-Array, optimizing the desired
vertical coverage required for the application.
Users can use EASE FOCUS as a guide to find the ideal internal
splay angles between array elements.
Note that the sum of the internal splay angles and the nominal
vertical coverage angles of the array do not correlate directly
and their relation varies with the array length. (see examples)
IDEA DSP settings
IDEA DSP settings operate in 3 categories of averaged Array
• MINIMUM (<30° Recommended Internal Splay Angulation
• MEDIUM (30-60° Recommended Internal Splay Angulation
• MAXIMUM (>60° Recommended Internal Splay Angulation
EASE FOCUS Prediction Software
EVO20-M Ease Focus GLL files are available for download from
the product's page as well as from the Downloads repository
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User Manual