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  • ESPAÑOL, página 16

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Before Installation:
Due to the weight of the product, this product needs to be assembled by at least 2 people.
Please open the package carefully and check that there are no missing parts according to the parts list below
before installing. If any part is missing or damaged, do not attempt to assemble the product. Contact customer
service for replacing parts.
To prevent the deformation of the grill and cooking, please do not transport the grill by rolling it.
Please note that the corten steel rust colour can leave stains on clothing and hands, so please wear gloves and
an apron when moving or using the product.
Please keep children, elderly people and pets away during installation and cooking.
The plancha needs to be placed in a flat, secure position before installation.
All components need to be fully tightened after assembly.
The wheels with brakes need to be assembled on one side of the base at all times. Keep these two wheels in a
stop position when the product is not moving.
Do not place the product near buildings, walls, outdoor furniture, inflatable pools or other flammable items. Or
nearby items could catch fire from heat or flames. Position on a non-flammable surface, clear of hanging
10. DO NOT use if you suffer from heart and lung conditions because smoke inhalation may exacerbate existing
11. DO NOT move the product when it is burning.
12. DO NOT sit too close to the burning product.
13. DO NOT overfill the fire pit during use.
14. DO NOT use accelerators, petrol, lighter fuel, alcohol or similar substances to light the fire.
15. DO NOT use in inclement weather.
16. Keep flammable liquid well away from the product as some flammable liquids can catch fire from the emitting
17. Keep the cooking area clear of any combustible materials. Dry leaves, paper, dry grass or pine needles can catch
fire easily from the embers that come out of the product.
18. Once lit, approach the product with caution to avoid burns by fire and hot temperature from the fire pit and
19. This product is for outdoor use only.
20. Fire pit and plancha can remain hot and smoulder for a few hours after extinguishing the visible fire. Touching
smouldering fire pit and plancha will cause injuries and burns.
21. Using the wrong materials inside a fire pit can be dangerous. Make sure fuel are only charcoal or wood.
22. Never leave the product unattended.
23. Never extinguish the fire by using water.
24. It is best to keep products out of the rain, especially plancha and central grill. After the fire is completely
extinguished, clean it out and store it away so it does not get wet from outdoor conditions.
25. If there is a rust color skin off, it is not a product quality problem. This is a normal phenomenon. The peeling is
only a layer of mask, underneath is the real stable growth of rust color.
First Time Use:
It is very important to apply vegetable oil on plancha regularly. Use a soft cloth to apply the vegetable oil to the
entire surface of the baking tray in a circular motion. As the plancha is made of steel, it may show signs of corrosion
and rust over time. Therefore, in addition to clean the surface at the end of each use, it is also necessary to coat it
with vegetable oil. When the plancha is used infrequently, for example in winter, we recommend applying vegetable
Model No. RJR0071, RJR0072

Resumen de contenidos para RJRoyal Living Big Jack 2.0

  • Página 1 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS SHEET Model No. RJR0071, RJR0072 Before Installation: Due to the weight of the product, this product needs to be assembled by at least 2 people. Please open the package carefully and check that there are no missing parts according to the parts list below before installing.
  • Página 2 oil every fortnight for protection against corrosion damage. The application of oil creates a protector between the air and the steel. If the steel plate comes into contact with air, the plate will rust. Rust can eventually be removed by making shavings now.
  • Página 3 Place base down on the ground. Insert Bottom Panel (G) into base. Then assembled with base by using 4*Bolts (T) in bottom holes on 2* Side Panel (E). Please make sure all bolts from above steps must tightened at this step. Turn the base bottom side up.
  • Página 4 MONTAGEANLEITUNGSBLATT Modell Big Jack 2.0 Nr. RJR0071, RJR0072 Vor der Installation: 1. Aufgrund des Gewichts des Produkts muss dieses Produkt von mindestens 2 Personen zusammengebaut werden. 2. Bitte öffnen Sie die Verpackung vorsichtig und überprüfen Sie vor der Installation anhand der untenstehenden Teileliste, ob keine Teile fehlen.
  • Página 5 Erstmalige Verwendung: 1. Es ist sehr wichtig, regelmäßig Pflanzenöl auf die Plancha aufzutragen. Tragen Sie das Pflanzenöl mit einem weichen Tuch in kreisenden Bewegungen auf die gesamte Oberfläche des Backblechs auf. Da die Plancha aus Stahl besteht, kann es mit der Zeit zu Korrosions- und Rostspuren kommen. Daher ist es neben der Reinigung der Oberfläche am Ende jedes Gebrauchs auch erforderlich, sie mit Pflanzenöl zu bestreichen.
  • Página 6 Stellen Sie die Basis auf den Boden. Setzen Sie die Bodenplatte (G) in die Basis ein. Dann zusammengebaut mit Basis, indem Sie 4*Schrauben (T) in den unteren Löchern an 2* Seitenwänden (E) verwenden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass bei diesem Schritt alle Schrauben der oben genannten Schritte festgezogen werden müssen.
  • Página 7 FICHE D'INSTRUCTIONS DE MONTAGE Modèle Big jack 2.0 No. RJR0071, RJR0072 Avant l'installation : 1. En raison du poids du produit, ce produit doit être assemblé par au moins 2 personnes. 2. Veuillez ouvrir l'emballage avec précaution et vérifier qu'il ne manque aucune pièce conformément à la liste des pièces ci-dessous avant l'installation.
  • Página 8 1. Il est très important d'appliquer régulièrement de l'huile végétale sur la plancha. Utilisez un chiffon doux pour appliquer l'huile végétale sur toute la surface de la plaque de cuisson dans un mouvement circulaire. La plancha étant en acier, elle peut présenter des signes de corrosion et de rouille avec le temps. Par conséquent, en plus de nettoyer la surface à...
  • Página 9 4. Placez la base sur le sol. Insérez le panneau inférieur (G) dans la base. Puis assemblé avec base en utilisant 4 boulons (T) dans les trous inférieurs du panneau latéral 2* (E). 5. Veuillez vous assurer que tous les boulons des étapes ci-dessus doivent être serrés à cette étape. 6.
  • Página 10 FOGLIO ISTRUZIONI DI MONTAGGIO Modello Big jack 2.0 N. RJR0071, RJR0072 Prima dell'installazione: 1. A causa del peso del prodotto, questo prodotto deve essere assemblato da almeno 2 persone. 2. Si prega di aprire la confezione con attenzione e verificare che non vi siano parti mancanti in base all'elenco delle parti di seguito prima dell'installazione.
  • Página 11 utilizzo, è necessario anche rivestirla con olio vegetale. Quando la plancha viene utilizzata raramente, ad esempio in inverno, si consiglia di applicare olio vegetale ogni quindici giorni per proteggerla dai danni della corrosione. L'applicazione di olio crea una protezione tra l'aria e l'acciaio. Se la piastra d'acciaio entra in contatto con l'aria, la piastra si arrugginisce.
  • Página 12 Posizionare la base a terra. Inserire il pannello inferiore (G) nella base. Quindi assemblato con base utilizzando 4*Bulloni (T) nei fori inferiori su 2*Pannello laterale (E). Assicurarsi che tutti i bulloni dei passaggi precedenti siano serrati in questo passaggio. Capovolgere la base con il lato inferiore rivolto verso l'alto. Montare 4* ruote (K) sul pannello inferiore (G) con 16*Bulloni (T) saldamente.
  • Página 13 MONTAGE INSTRUCTIES BLAD Model Big jack 2.0 nr. RJR0071, RJR0072 Voor installatie: 1. Vanwege het gewicht van het product dient dit product door minimaal 2 personen te worden gemonteerd. 2. Open de verpakking zorgvuldig en controleer of er geen ontbrekende onderdelen zijn volgens de onderstaande onderdelenlijst voordat u met de installatie begint.
  • Página 14 naast het reinigen van het oppervlak aan het einde van elk gebruik, ook noodzakelijk om het te coaten met plantaardige olie. Wanneer de plancha niet vaak wordt gebruikt, bijvoorbeeld in de winter, raden we aan om elke twee weken plantaardige olie aan te brengen ter bescherming tegen corrosieschade. Door het aanbrengen van olie ontstaat er een beschermer tussen de lucht en het staal.
  • Página 15 4. Plaats de basis op de grond. Plaats het onderste paneel (G) in de basis. Daarna in elkaar gezet met basis door 4*Bouten (T) te gebruiken in onderste gaten op 2* Zijpaneel (E). 5. Zorg ervoor dat alle bouten van bovenstaande stappen bij deze stap moeten worden vastgedraaid. 6.
  • Página 16 HOJA DE INSTRUCCIONES DE MONTAJE Modelo Big Jack 2.0 No. RJR0071, RJR0072 Antes de la instalación: 1. Debido al peso del producto, este producto debe ser ensamblado por al menos 2 personas. 2. Abra el paquete con cuidado y verifique que no falten piezas de acuerdo con la lista de piezas a continuación antes de la instalación.
  • Página 17 acero, puede mostrar signos de corrosión y oxidación con el tiempo. Por eso, además de limpiar la superficie al final de cada uso, también es necesario recubrirla con aceite vegetal. Cuando la plancha se usa con poca frecuencia, por ejemplo en invierno, recomendamos aplicar aceite vegetal cada quince días para protegerla contra daños por corrosión.
  • Página 18 Coloque la base en el suelo. Inserte el panel inferior (G) en la base. Luego ensamblado con base usando 4*pernos (T) en los orificios inferiores en 2*panel lateral (E). Asegúrese de que todos los pernos de los pasos anteriores estén apretados en este paso. Voltee la parte inferior de la base hacia arriba.

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