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With two USB-C output ports, the DJI USB-C Power Adapter (100W) can be used to charge compatible DJI aircrafts, remote controllers, Intelligent Flight Batteries,* and other mobile devices with a USB-C port. * Support for DJI devices will be updated continuously. Visit the official DJI online store for more information. Specifications Dimensions 73.5×70×32 mm...
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1. 전원 어댑터의 금속 단자를 만지려고 시도하지 마십시오. 2. 눈에 띄는 이물질이 있으면 깨끗하고 마른 천으로 금속 단자를 닦으십시오. 3. 플러그는 지역에 따라 다릅니다. DJI 온라인 스토어에서 타 지역용 플러그를 구매할 수 있습니다. 소개 2개의 USB-C 출력 포트가 있는 DJI USB-C 전원 어댑터(100W)를 사용하여 호환되는 DJI 기체, 조종기, 인텔리전트...
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Introducción Con dos puertos de salida USB-C, el adaptador de corriente (100 W) USB-C DJI se puede usar para cargar aeronaves, controles remotos y baterías de vuelo inteligentes* de DJI compatibles, y otros dispositivos móviles equipados con puerto USB-C.
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* La prise en charge des appareils DJI sera mise à jour en permanence. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur la boutique en ligne officielle de DJI. Caractéristiques techniques Dimensions 73,5 × 70 × 32 mm Poids 268 ± 5 g Tension d’entrée...
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DJI. Introdução Com duas portas de saída USB-C, o adaptador de alimentação DJI USB-C (100 W) pode ser usado para carregar aeronaves DJI compatíveis, telecomandos, baterias inteligentes de voo* e outros dispositivos móveis equipados com uma porta USB-C.
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DJI. Introdução Com duas portas de saída USB-C, o Adaptador de Alimentação USB-C (100 W) da DJI pode ser utilizado para carregar aeronaves DJI compatíveis, controles remotos, Baterias de Voo Inteligentes* e outros dispositivos móveis com porta USB-C.
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Технические характеристики Размеры 73,5 × 70 × 32 мм Масса 268±5 г Входное напряжение 100–240 В переменного тока, 50–60 Гц, 2,5 А Выход Макс. 100 Вт (всего) При использовании обоих портов максимальная выходная мощность одного интерфейса составляет 82 Вт. Адаптер питания динамически распределяет выходную мощность...
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Indirizzo di contatto UE: DJI GmbH, Industriestrasse 12, 97618, Niederlauer, Germany Déclaration de conformité UE : Par la présente, SZ DJI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. déclare que cet appareil (POWER ADAPTER) est conforme aux principales exigences et autres clauses pertinentes de la directive européenne 2014/35/EU.
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En kopia av EU-försäkran om efterlevnad finns att tillgå online på adressen www.dji.com/euro-compliance Kontaktadress EU: DJI GmbH, Industriestrasse 12, 97618, Niederlauer, Tyskland Yfirlýsing um fylgni við reglur ESB: SZ DJI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. lýsir hér með yfir að þetta tæki (POWER ADAPTER) hlíti mikilvægum kröfum og öðrum viðeigandi ákvæðum tilskipunar 2014/35/ESB.
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Environmentally friendly disposal Old electrical appliances must not be disposed of together with the residual waste, but have to be disposed of separately. The disposal at the communal collecting point via private persons is for free. The owner of old appliances is responsible to bring the appliances to these collecting points or to similar collection points.
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Videi draudzīga atkritumu likvidēšana Vecas elektriskās ierīces nedrīkst likvidēt kopā ar pārējiem atkritumiem, bet tās jālikvidē atsevišķi. Privātpersonām atkritumu likvidēšana komunālajā savākšanas punktā ir bez maksas. Veco ierīču īpašnieks ir atbildīgs par ierīču nogādāšanu šajos savākšanas punktos vai līdzīgos savākšanas punktos. Ar šīm nelielām personiskajām pūlēm jūs veicināt vērtīgu izejmateriālu pārstrādi un toksisko vielu apstrādi.