Palmer PWT06 Manual De Usuario página 7

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

lIMItAtIon oF lIAbIlItY
if your adam Hall branded hardware product fails to work as warranted above, your sole and exclusive remedy
shall be repair or replacement. adam Halls' maximum liability under this limited warranty is expressly limited to
the lesser of the price you have paid for the product or the cost of repair or replacement of any components that
malfunction under conditions of normal use.
adam Hall is not liable for any damages caused by the product or the failure of the product, including any lost
profits or savings or special, incidental, or consequential damages. adam Hall is not liable for any claim made by
a third party or made by you for a third party.
This limitation of liability applies whether damages are sought, or claims are made, under this limited Warranty or
as a tort claim (including negligence and strict product liability), a contract claim, or any other claim, and cannot
be rescinded or changed by anyone. This limitation of liability will be effective even if you have advised adam Hall
or an authorized representative of adam Hall of the possibility of any such damages, but not, however, in the event
of claims for damages in connection with personal injuries.
This manufacturer's warranty grants you specific rights; depending on jurisdiction (nation or state), you may be be
entitled to additional claims. you are advised to consult applicable state or national laws for a full determination of
your rights.
rEquEStIng wArrAntY SErvIcE
To request warranty service for the product, contact adam Hall or the adam Hall authorized reseller from which
you purchased the product.
Ec dEclArAtIon oF conForMItY
The equipment marketed by adam Hall complies (where applicable) with the essential requirements and other
relevant specifications of Directives 1999/5/eC (r&TTe), 2004/108/eC (eMC) und 2006/95/eC (lvD). additional
information can be found at
propEr dISpoSAl oF thIS product
(wAStE ElEctrIcAl And ElEctronIc EquIpMEnt)
(valid in the european Union and other european countries with waste separation)
This symbol on the product, or the documents accompanying the product, indicates that this appliance may not
be treated as household waste. This is to avoid environmental damage or personal injury due to uncontrolled
waste disposal. Please dispose of this product separately from other waste and have it recycled to promote
sustainable economic activity.
Household users should contact either the retailer where they purchased this product, or their local government
office, for details on where and how they can recycle this item in an environmentally friendly manner.
Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract. This
product should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal
EnvIronMEntAl protEctIon And EnErgY conSErvAtIon
energy conservation is an active contribution to environmental protection. Please turn off all unneeded electrical
devices. To prevent unneeded devices from consuming power in standby mode, disconnect the mains plug.
adam Hall GmbH, all rights reserved. The technical data and the functional product characteristics can be subject to modifica-
tions. The photocopying, the translation, and all other forms of copying of fragments or of the integrlity of this user's manual is