COMPANION 580.761010 Manual Del Usuario página 3

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

• Somechemicals o rdetergents m aybe harmful if
inhaled or ingested, causing severe nausea,
fainting or poisoning. Theharmful elements may
causeproperty damage or severe injury.
• Do NotallowCHILDREN tooperate the pressure
washer a t anytime.
• Operate engine onlyatgoverned speed. R unning
theengine atexcessive speeds increases t he
hazard of personal injury.DoNottamper w ithparts
whichmayincrease or decrease the governed
• Do Notwearlooseclothing, jewelryor anything
thatmaybecaught i n thestarter o r otherrotating
• Beforestarting the pressure w asher incold
weather, checkall partsoftheequipment andbe
sureicehasnotformed there.See"Storage" on
page13forcoldweather protection.
• Neverusea spraygunwhichdoesnothavea
triggerlockor trigger g uardin place andinworking
• Keepthe hoseconnected t o machine orthe spray
gunwhilethe system is pressurized. Disconnecting
thehosewhilethe unitis pressurized i s dangerous.
• Neveroperate unitswithbroken or missing parts,
or without p rotective housing or covers.
• Check thefuelsystem forleaksor signsof
deterioration, suchaschafed or spongy hose,
looseor missing clamps, o r damaged tankor cap.
Correct a lldefects beforeoperating t he pressure
• Do Notsprayflammable liquids.
• Usea respirator or mask whenever t hereis a
chance thatvapors maybeinhaled. R ead all
instructions withmasksoyouarecertain the mask
willprovide the necessary p rotection a gainst
inhaling harmful vapors.
• Neveraimthespraygunat people, a nimals or
plants. T hehighpressure stream ofwaterthatthis
equipment produces c anpierceskinandits
underlying t issues, l eading to serious injury and
possible amputation.
• Neverallowanypartofthe bodytocomein
contact w iththefluidstream. D o Notcomein
contact w itha fluidstream created by a leakinthe
highpressure hose.
• Always weareyeprotection w henyouusethis
equipment orwhenyouareinthevicinity where
theequipment is in use.
• Highpressure spraycancausepaintchipsor other
particles to become airborne.
• DoNot operate the pressure w asher above the
• Nevermovethemachine by pulling onthe high
pressure hose. U sethehandle provided onthe
• Always becertain the spraygun,nozzles and
accessories arecorrectly attached.
• DoNot secure the sprayguninthe (open)
• Highpressure spraymaydamage fragileitems
including glass.DoNot pointspraygunat glass
wheninthejet spraymode.
• Holdthespraygunfirmlyinyourhandbefore you
starttheunit.Failure to doso couldresultinan
injury froma whipping spraygun.Do Notleave the
spraygununattended w hilethe machine is
• Thecleaning areashouldhaveadequate slopes
anddrainage to reduce the possibility o fa fall due
to slippery surfaces.
• Keepwatersprayawayfromelectric wiringor fatal
electric shockmayresult.
• DoNot by-passanysafetydevice onthis
• Themuffler a ndengineheatupduringoperation
andremain hotimmediately aftershutting itdown.
Avoidcontact w itha hot muffler o r engine asyou
couldbeseverely burned.
• Operate andstore this unitona stable surface.
• Highpressure hosecandevelop leaks fromwear,
kinking, a buse, e tc.Waterspraying froma leakis
capable of injecting material i ntoskin.Inspect h ose
eachtimebeforeusingit. Check allhoses forcuts,
leaks, a brasions o r bulging of cover, o r damage or
movement of couplings. Ifanyof theseconditions
exist,replace hoseimmediately. Neverrepair high
pressure hose. R eplace itwithanother h osethat
meets maximum pressure ratingof yourunit.
• Themuffler a ndaircleanermustbe installed andin
goodcondition before operating the pressure
washer. T hese components actas sparkarresters
ifthe engine backfires.
Inthe Stateof California a sparkarrester i s required
bylaw(Section 4442ofthe California P ublic
Resources Code). O therstatesmayhavesimilar laws.
Federal l awsapplyonfederal l ands.
NOTE: I f youequipthe muffler w itha sparkarrester, i t
mustbemaintained i n effective working order. Y ou
canordera sparkarrester t hrough yourauthorized
Searsservice dealer.