A Adjustable length leg | B Length adjusting device | B1 Lever | C Openable ring | C1 Insert | C2
Screw | C3 O-Ring | D Fixed length leg | E Connection webbing | F Fast Rubber
A Ramo a lunghezza regolabile | B Dispositivo di regolazione della lunghezza | B1 Leva | C
Anello apribile | C1 Inserto | C2 Vite | C3 O-Ring | D Ramo a lunghezza fissa | E Fettuccia di
connessione | F Fast Rubber
A Branche de longueur réglable | B Régulateur de longueur | B1 Levier | C Anneau ouvrable
| C1 Insert | C2 Vis | C3 O-Ring | D Branche de longueur fixe | E Sangle de connexion | F
Fast Rubber
A Längenverstellbarer Zweig | B Längenverstellvorrichtung | B1 Hebel | C Aufschraubbarer
Ring | C1 Einsatz | C2 Schraube | C3 O-Ring | D Zweig mit fester Länge | E Verbindungsband
| F Fast Rubber
A Ramo de longitud regulable | B Dispositivo de regulación de longitud | B1 Palanca | C Anillo
abrible | C1 Inserto | C2 Tornillo| C3 O-Ring | D Ramo de longitud fija | E Cinta de conexión |
F Fast Rubber
218.2-218.3 TRIMFIRE
Read and always follow the information supplied by the manufacturer
Leggere e seguire sempre le informazioni fornite dal fabbricante
Toujours lire et suivre les informations fournies par le fabricant
Die Angaben des Herstellers müssen immer gelesen und befolgt werden
Lea siempre y respete la información proporcionada por el fabricante
Download the declaration of conformity at:
Scarica la dichiarazione di conformità da:
Télécharger la déclaration de conformitè sur:
Laden Sie die Konformitätserklärung herunter von:
Descargar la declaratión de conformidad en:
Please calculate the lifespan of the device according to:
Calcola la vita utile del dispositivo in accordo a:
Calculer la durée de vie de le dispositif selon:
Berechnen Sie die Lebensdauer der Vorrichtung nach:
Calcular la vida útil del dispositivo según:
KONG S.p.A. - Via XXV Aprile, 4 23804 Monte Marenzo (LC) - Italy
+39 0341 630506 |
The Category III Personal Protective Equipment 218.2 - 218.3 TRIMFIRE
(fig. 1) is a restraint and work positioning lanyard, component or element of a
personal fall protection system:
- with a fixed length leg (D) certified according to EN 354:10;
- with an adjustable length leg (A) certified according to EN 358:18;
- suitable for use by a single person weighing up to 150 kg.
- Insert two connectors (certified according to EN 362) into the end loops of the
legs (A and D) – (fig. 2). Attention: fix the connector to the fixed length leg (D)
with the Fast Rubber (F) – (fig. 3);
- connect the device to the ventral attachment point of the harness (certified
according to EN 813) through the openable ring (C) – (fig. 4);
- connect to the anchor point(s) using the connectors (fig. 5). Attention: when
both legs are connected to anchor points, ensure that the angle between
them does not exceed 120°.
Adjusting the distance to the attachment point
- To reduce the distance to the attachment point, pull the slack part of the rope
(fig. 6);
- to increase the distance to the attachment point, press the locking lever (B1)
and put your own weight on the device (fig. 7).
This device is designed to be used with:
- connectors according to EN 362;
- harnesses according to EN 813.
Caution, danger of death
- This device is not suitable for fall arrest;
- the anchor point must comply with EN 795 and not be positioned under the
waist level (fig. 8);
- both the legs (A and D) must always remain taut or with a maximum slack of
0.6 metres (fig. 9).
Checks before and after use
Before and after use, make sure that the device is in an efficient condition and
that it is working properly, in particular, check that:
- it is suitable for the intended use;
- textile parts do not have cuts, burns, chemical residues, excessive hair, wear,
in particular check the areas in contact with metal components;
- stitching is intact, and there are no cut or loose threads;
- the length adjustment device (B) is working properly (adjustment and locking),
is not deformed mechanically, it has no cracks, traces of corrosion, and it is
free of foreign elements (stones, sand, lubricant, etc.) in the line's passage zone;
- metal parts are free of cracks, corrosion, mechanical deformation and that
any wear and tear is only of an aesthetic nature;
- markings, including labels, are legible.
This device has been certified by the notified body no. 2008 Dolomiticert
S.c.a.r.l. Zona Industriale Villanova 7/a - 32013 Longarone BL – Italy
Master Text
EN 358:18
EN 354:10
MAX 120°
2,5 Nm