If the domestic premises is a bedsit (a single room serving as both sitting
and bedroom) then the apparatus should be put as far from the cooking
appliances as possible bue near to where the person sleeps.
If the appliance is in a room not normally used (for example a boiler
room), the apparatus should be put just outside the room so that the
alarm may be heard more easily. Alternatively, a remote alarm siren may
be connected to a type A apparatus located in a room(s) containing a
fuel-burning appliance.
Where in the room?
It should be possible to view all the light indicators when in the vicinity
of the chosen location for the apparatus.
It is not possible to give specific guidance on the exact location of a
detector which suits all types of room and their usage. The following
points should be taken into consideration when determining an optimum
location for any appropriate situation:
Where not to install the apparatus
The apparatus should not be installed:
• In an enclosed space (for example in a cupboard or behind a curtain);
• Where it can be obstructed (for example by furniture);
• Directly above a sink;
• Next to a door or window;
• Next to an extractor fan;
• Next to an air vent or other similar ventilation openings;
• In an area where the temperature may drop below -10 ℃ or exceed
40 ℃ , unless it is designed to do so;
• Where dirt an dust may block the sensor;
• In a damp or humid location;
• In the immediate vicinity of the cooking appliance.
Apparatus located in the same room as a fuel-burning appliance
If the apparatus is located on a wall:
• It should be located close to the ceiling;