Within two meters of the victim, the direction arrow will disappear.
Move the transceiver slowly and as close as possible over the snow surface following
a cross pattern. Determine the lowest distance reading and start probing.
TIP: Be up to 3x faster by using a PIEPS iPROBE for fine search and pinpointing –
compatible with all transceivers.
Check the beacon search results by systematic probing. On a hit, leave the probe
stuck in the snow. Use your shovel to dig out the victim and provide first aid.
A multiple burial is indicated on the display by the number of small human figures.
Marking is possible from a distance reading of 5 m and is
indicated by the mark symbol .Press the MARK button
briefly to "hide" the localized transmitter.
A successful marking is confirmed by a frame around the
human figure. The transceiver will now display the direction
and distance to the next strongest signal. The mark range
can be configured with the PIEPS App.
Pressing the SCAN button provides a rough overview of the burial situation by
indicating the number of victims within certain distance ranges. A detailed scan mode
can be enabled via the App providing direction and distance for each victim and allows
victim selection.