IVlodel IVlGC6430
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1. Left rear burner (9,200BTUs).
2. Rightrear burner(5,000 BTUson HI,
650 BTUson LO).
3. Left front burner (9,200BTUs).
4. Rightfront burner(12,500BTUs).
IVIodel IVIGC6536
1. Left rear burner (10,500BTUs).
2. Right rear burner (9,200BTUs).
3. Centerburner (5,000BTUson HI,
650 BTUson LO).
4. Left front burner (9,200BTUs).
5. Rightfront burner (12,500BTUs).
> Cleancooktopafter each use.
> Wipeacidicor sugaryspillsassoonas
may discolorthe surface.
Thesealedburnersaresecured tothe cooktop
and are not designedto be removed. Since
the burners are sealed into the cooktop,
boilovers or spills will not seep underneath
the cooktop.
However, t heburnersshouldbe cleanedafter
eachuse. Thehead portionofthe burnerhas
a removablecap that is easily removedfor
cleaning. (See page 6 for cleaning direc-
Burnercaps mustbe correctlyplacedon the
burnerbaseforproperoperation oftheburner.
There is one high speed burner on your
cooktop, located in the right front position.
This burner offershigherspeedcookingthat
can be used to quicklybring water to a boil
and for large-quantitycooking.
This burneris locatedin the center or right
rear position.The simmer burner offers a
lower BTU flame for delicate sauces or
*BTU ratings will vary whenusingLP gas.
The gratesmustbe properlypositionedbe-
forecooking. Toensureproperpositioning,
align bumpers on grate bottom with the
indentationsin the cooktop.
Donot operate the burners withouta pan
on the grate. The grate's porcelain finish
may chip without a pan to absorb the
heat from the burner flame.
Although the burner grates are durable,
they will gradually lose their shine and/or
discolor,duetothe hightemperatures ofthe
gas flame.
> A properlyadjustedburnerwithcleanportswilllightwithinafew seconds.Ifusingnatural
gas, the flame will be blue with a deeper blue inner cone.
Ifthe burnerflame is yellowor is noisy,the air/gasmixturemay be incorrect.Contacta
servicetechnicianto adjust.(Adjustmentsare notcovered by the warranty.)
With LP gas, some yellow tips on the flames are acceptable. This is normal and
adjustmentis not necessary.
> With some typesof gas, you may hear a "popping"soundwhenthe surfaceburneris
turnedoff. This is a normaloperatingsoundof the burner.
> To improvecookingefficiencyand to preventpossibledamageto the cooktopor pan,
the flame must be adjustedso it does not extendbeyondthe edge of the pan.