Danby Millenium DAR194W/BL Manual Delpropietario página 12

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

This quality product iswarranted tobefreefrommanufacturer's
defects i n material andworkmanship,
provided t hat t heunitisused under t henormal operating
conditions intended
This warranty isavailable o nlytotheperson t owhom theunitwasoriginally soldbyDanby o rbyanauthorized distributor ofUanby, andisnon-transferable.
Plastic parts (ie.evaporator door, d oorrails, c overs andtrays arewarranted forthirty(30) days onlyfrorn purchase date, w ithnoextensions provided,
During t hefirstyear(1),anyelectrical parts ofthisproduct found tobedefective, including anysealed system units, willberepaired o r
replaced, atwarrantor's option, atnocharge totheORIGINAL purchaser. Consumable parts (ie.lightbulbs) a renotwarranted or
guaranteed foranylength oftime,
Second T hrough
During t henext f ouryears (4)anypart o fthesealed system found tobedefective (consisting ofcompressor,
condenser, evaporator,
dryer a ndallrelated t ubing) w illbereplaced without charge. T hepurchaser shall p ayforall labor a ndreturn freight d uring thisfouryear
(4)period forrepair o r replacement
ofanysealed system components. Anyunitbeing diagnosed asnon-functional
due to sealed
system failure andwarranting anexchange during theexisting f our(4)years willbesubject toanappropriate depreciation or user f ee,
including anyandallfreight charges b eing levied against theconsumer.
ToObtain S ervice
Danby r eserves theright t o limit b oundaries of'In Home Service" due totheproximity ofanAuthorized Service D epot.Anyappliance
requiring service o utside theLimited Boundaries of"InHome Service", itwillbethecustomer's responsibility totransport theappliance
totheclosest Authorized Service D epot a ttheirownexpense. Contact your d ealer f rom whom yourunitwaspurchased, or contact your
nearest authorized Danby s ervice depot, where service m ust b eperformed bya qualified s ervice t echnician. If service i s performed on
theunits byanyone o ther t hananauthorized service d epot, o rtheunitisused forcommercial application, allobligations of Uanby u nder
thiswarranty shall b eatanend.
Thefollowing clause refers t o single anddouble doorrefrigerators,
supplied w ithorwithout a separate freezer section. N othing w ithin thiswarranty shall i mply
thatDanby w illberesponsible orliable foranyspoilage o r damage t ofoodorother c ontents o fthisappliance, whether duetoanydefect oftheappliance, or its
use, w hether proper or improper.
Save asherein provided, Danby P roducts Limited (Canada) or Danby P roducts Inc.(U.S.A.), there arenoother w arranties, conditions, representations
guarantees, express o rimplied, made orintended b yUanby P roducts Limited o r itsauthorized distributors andallother w arranties, conditions, representations
guarantees, including anywarranties, conditions, representations
or guarantees under a nySale of Goods A ctorlikelegislation or statue ishereby expressly
excluded. Save asherein provided, Danby Products Limited (Canada) or Danby P roducts Inc.(USA),shall n otberesponsible foranydamages topersons o r
property, including t heunititself, h owsoever caused or anyconsequential
damages arising from themalfunction oftheunitandbythepurchase oftheunit, t he
purchaser does hereby agree toindemnify andsave harmless Danby Products Limited f rom anyclaim fordamages topersons o r property c aused b ytheunit.
Nowarranty orinsurance herein contained orsetoutshall a pply when damage o r repair i scaused byanyofthefollowing:
1) Power Failure.
2) Damage intransit o rwhen moving t heappliance.
3) Improper power s upply s uch aslowvoltage, defective house wiring or inadequate fuses.
4) Accident, alteration, abuse or misuse o ftheappliance such asinadequate aircirculation intheroom or abnormal operating conditions,
(extremely high or lowroom temperature).
5) Use forcommercial or industrial purposes.
5) Fire, w ater damage, theft, w ar,riot, h ostility, actsofGodsuch ashurricanes, floods etc.
7) Service calls resulting i ncustomer education.
Proof o fpurchase date willberequired f orwarranty claims; so,please retain billsofsale. Intheevent w arranty service isrequired, present thisdocument toour
Warranty Service
With-In CanadaWith-In United 8tares
Danby Products Limited
PC Box 1778,5070 Whitelaw Road,
Guelph, Ontario, Canada NIH 6Z9
Telephone: (519)837-0920 FAX: (519)837-0449
Danby Products Inc.
PC Box 669, 101 Bentley Court,
Findlay, Ohio, U.S.A. 45839-0669
Telephone: (419)425-8627 FAX: (419)425-8629

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