Danby Designer DAR440BL Manual Del Propietário página 13

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This qoalily product is_varra_ted
Iobefreefrom man_a.c_urer's
detects i nrr_terial ar_werk_nship, provided Ihatlheunitisusedunder menormal operaling
conditions intended b ythemanufacturer.
Thiswarranty isavaila_'e or_'y l o 1he person l o v_hom t he_nitwas o_inallysoldbyD_by _ byark authorized distdbulor ofDanby, _d isnon-lransferabie.
pads(is. evaporator door, d oor raiis, _ versandtrays arewarranled f_ thirty[30) d aysonly frompurchase dale, with noextensions p_4_d.
Durlng 1 he _[styear[1),anyelectrical pa,'ts ofth_,s pr_:luct Iound Iobe_efecb_ve,
induing _y sealed s ystem units, ,tAll berepaired or
replaced, atwan'antor's oplio_, atnocharge l o _.eORIGINAL Pur_aser. C _nsu_ble parts _e.lightbulbs) a re_olwa_nted or
guaranteed _ anylenglh el time.
During _ e nex! f ouryears ( 4)anypartof1he se_edsyster, I foun_ Iobedelecti,ie ( _nsistin 9 ofcompressor,
c_denser, e,,apor_tor,
$3_rand&rl r elated l ub]ng) _11 berefaced _;r_eut charge. Thepurchaser
shall p ayforalllabour a _ relurr_ 1reight during thisfour
yea_ [4)period lot[epair o r repla_ment ofanyseated syste_ componeats. Anyu_tbeing diagnosed asr_mf_nction,
al dLre t osealed
syslem _lure and _arranSng anexch_ge du_'ing 1t_exis_ng four(4)years will b esub, octlo anap.oro.oriate
o'epr_ation o r user f ee,
ino!uding anyand all [r_lhl charges being levied againsl ]heconsumer.
To obtain Sen,ice
Danhy r eserves the_ight tolimilbeundaies of°InHome Seek;e" duetotheproxim[ly el anAuth_ized Sar_co Depot. Anyappliance
se_ceouiside mslimiled boundaries _'ln I-_me Senf_e', i t_'illbe[heeuslomefs r es_on_bilily tot_"_oortIhe appliance Io
Ihec_sest A ulhorized Samco Depot at_eirc_,_'n expense. Conlact yourdealer fromwhom yourunitv,_s purchased, orconla__,,our
r_a_est authorized Danby s er_;edepot` _'here se_ce must beperformed byaqualified s er',,ice l echnieian. If service i s performed on
Iheuniis1_ i anyone o mer t han anauthorized so,co depot, o rtheunilisused for_mmer_al a pplicalion, all obligatie_ ofDanby u nder
Ihk,_'arr_t_ shall b ea_ anend.
The Iollcq,ing clause r efers tosingle anddouble door r efrigerators,
supplied _ 'ithofv_lhou_ a separale f reezer sootier). Homing _ hin Ih_v_rr_tyshall i mply
thatDanby _ AH ber_ponsible orlia_e for_y spoilage e _ damage f ofoodorothercon[enis el this appl_nce, whe_er d ue teanydefecl oltheappliance, ofits
use, _ vhelher p_oper orimproper.
_ve asherein prov:,ded,
Danby P roducts Limited ( Canada) orDanby P reducis I r_.(L!.S.A.), there arer_ olher wanranties,
®ndilions, represeota'_'ons
express o rimplied, made orintended b yDanby Predccts Lim[led o r [ls_rized
di_ibulers and all e_her warranties,
_nditions, r epresentatior_
incruding anyw_rr_l_es, condilions, repre_nlalions or guarar_lees
under a nySale ofGoods.Act orlikelegislation orsla_eishereby e xpressly
exclud'ed. Save asherein p rovided, Danby P roducts Limited (Careda) er Danby P roducts Inc.(LLS.A), shall n otberespunsible [orarlydamages _e parsons or
property, [_c]uding Iheunil i tself, h owsoever ca_._d oranycor_equen_al
damages adsing from 1he m_f_nct_n o f Iheunit _ ,dbylhepurchase oftheunit, t he
purchaser doeshereby agree [_ir_emniry a nd_
harmless Danby P rodu_s Limiled f rom _ claim ler_mages to per_nsofpriest _usedby_e unit.
No'_arranty o4in_urar_herei_ _ n_'ned oreeloutshall a pply when damage o rrepair iscaused b yanyofthefol[o_'ing:
1) Pa, verFailure.
2) Damage in trar, s-_t orwh_ mm, ingmeappliance.
3) Improper pc_/#er
su_ly such asIow,,_ge, def_ive house _ ,_ri_or[_adaq_ate
4) Accident, alle[ation, abuse ormisuse o flheal_liance such as inadequate aircirculation ir_ 1he room or abnormal operating condition,
high or Io_# r oom Ioml:,er_t_rs).
5) Use forc_mercial o r [nd_al purposes.
6) Rre, w ater d a_,
1heft, war, r i_l,hostili_,i, actsofGod suchashurr'_neso ffo_ds etc.
7) Service c alls resulling i ncuslomer educati_.
Proof o fpurchase dalev,i;I b erequired 1 or w arranty claims; so,please retain billsol sale.In1he e_nl'¢,arra_ty service isrequired, p_'eser,
t lhisdocumenl toour
Warranty Service
With.In CanadaWith-In Un]led Slate
Danby P _oduc[s
POBox 1778, 5070 Whitera_ Road,
Gueloh, Onta_io, C_nada N 1H 6Z9
Telephone: (519) 8 37.0920 FAX: ( 519) 8 37-04.49
Oenby Pzoducts I nc.
Findlay, Ohio,U,S,A.4583g.0669
Telephone: (419)425.8827 FAX:(419)425.8629

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