Mobis HYUNDAI 99700ADE00 Instrucciones De Montaje página 19

op is gemonteerd. De fietsen kunnen ervoor zorgen dat de totale breedte en
hoogte van het voertuig toenemen. Let goed op als u achteruit rijdt en/of een
garage in of veerpont etc. oprijdt.
D.5 Vervang beschadigde of versleten onderdelen van de drager direct. Tijdens
vervoer moeten alle hendels, bouten en/of moeren strak worden vastgezet
conform de montage-instructies.
D.6 Dragers met een slot moeten altijd afgesloten worden. De sleutels moeten
eruit worden verwijderd en tijdens het vervoer in het voertuig worden be-
D.7 Wees erop bedacht dat de rij-eigenschappen en het remgedrag (ook in bocht-
en) van het voertuig kunnen veranderen, en dat het voertuig gevoeliger kan
zijn voor zijwind wanneer de drager is gemonteerd.
D.8 De snelheid van het voertuig moet altijd worden afgestemd op de vervoerde
lading en de actuele rijomstandigheden, zoals het soort weg, de kwaliteit van
de weg, windomstandigheden, verkeersintensiteit en toepasselijke snelhe-
idslimieten, maar mag onder geen enkel beding 130 km/u overschrijden. De
toepasselijke snelheidslimieten en andere verkeersregels moeten altijd in acht
worden genomen.
D.9 Wees erop bedacht dat windgeruis tijdens vervoer kan ontstaan en afhankelijk
van voertuig en lading kan variëren.
D.10 Uit het oogpunt van brandstofbesparing, invloed op milieu en de veiligheid
van andere weggebruikers moet de drager altijd van het voertuig gehaald
worden als die niet wordt gebruikt.
E.0 Onderhoud
A.0 General
The manufacturer assumes no liability for injury to persons, damage to mov-
able or immovable property, loss of profit, or any other loss or damage caused
by the improper mounting or use of the carrier, including but not limited to
mounting or use in conflict with the assembly instructions, mounting instruc-
tions or any other instructions given, in writing or verbally, by the manufactur-
er or authorized dealer.
A.2 The carrier and its parts must not be modified in any way.
A.3 Consult manufacturer if you have any questions about the operation, use and
limits of the carrier. Read all of the instructions carefully before mounting and
using the carrier.
A.4 The Safety instructions should be retained for future reference and to ensure
that any other users of the bike carrier are familiar with its content.
B.0 Fitting
Check the assembly instructions to make sure that all the necessary parts of
the carrier are present.
B.2 Read and follow the assembly instructions and the recommendation list
carefully, if the list is included. Then fit the unit in the correct sequence by
following points 1, 2, 3 and so on.
B.3 Do not attempt to fit the carrier in any other way than the way shown in the
mounting instructions.
B.4 In the case of the roof-mounted carrier, if no special fitting positions are given
in the assembly instructions, ensure that there is a minimum distance of
700mm between the front and rear racks.
B.5 The load may not exceed the load carrier's width, and it should be spread
evenly across the load carrier and with the lowest possible center of gravity.
C.0 Loading
The maximum load for the carrier, as specified in the assembly instructions,
must not be exceeded. In addition, the maximum load recommended for the
vehicle itself always takes priority over the load specified in the assembly
instructions. It is always the lower recommended maximum load that applies
and that must not be exceeded.
C.2 The maximum load for the carrier, as specified in the assembly instructions,
applies to vehicles in motion as well as parked vehicles.
C.3 The load must be carefully secured. Elastic bungees must not be used.
C.4 Check and do not exceed the maximum weight per bike specified in the
mounting instructions.
C.5 The carrier is constructed to carry only standard bike frames. Tandem bikes
must not be transported on the carrier. Always check and do not exceed the
maximum bike frame size (diameter) specified in the mounting instructions.
C.6 In the case of bikes with carbon frames or forks, always consult the bike man-
ufacturer or dealer to check if you are allowed to use the carrier.
The manufacturer assumes no liability for any damage to carbon frames or
forks incurred during mounting and/or use of the carrier.
C.8 All easily removable parts of the bikes must be removed before transportation,
including but not limited to child seats, baskets, locks (if not permanently
mounted) and air pumps. These parts can become detached during transpor-
tation because of increased air resistance and vibration and can constitute a
danger to other road users.
Genuine Accessories developed by MOBIS
Reinig de drager regelmatig met warm water of autoshampoo, vooral als u de
drager in kustgebieden gebruikt of hebt gebruikt (het effect van zout water) of
tijdens periodes wanneer zout op de wegen wordt gestrooid (in de winter).
Schroeven, moeren en eventuele sloten moeten met regelmatige tussenpozen
worden gesmeerd.
Verwijder de drager voordat u een wasstraat inrijdt.
E.4 Wanneer de drager van het voertuig wordt gehaald, moet die in een droge
ruimte worden bewaard. Alle onderdelen van de drager moeten veilig worden
opgeborgen. Vergeet niet om de drager conform de instructies te reinigen en
er onderhoud aan te plegen.
Indien u onderdelen van de drager verliest of als die zijn versleten, vervang ze
dan alleen door originele reserveonderdelen van de fabrikant. Reserveonder-
delen kunnen bij uw dealer worden gekocht.
E.6 Geef voor snelle levering van reserveonderdelen en ter voorkoming van
tijdrovende vragen de relevante productgegevens en het serienummer op
wanneer u een bestelling plaatst of een vraag hebt.
Noteer voor snelle vervanging van verloren of kapotte sleutels het slot- en
sleutelnummer die op uw sleutel en slot staan.
D.0 Driving characteristics and regulations
This product is not approved for and must not be used during off-road driving.
Adapt your speed to the prevailing road conditions and the load being carried.
Check the load fastenings regularly.
D.2 The vehicle driver is solely responsible for ensuring that the carrier is in perfect
condition and that the carrier and load are securely fastened (even if fitted by
a third person).
D.3 Every time the carrier is used, check that the carrier is securely fitted after
driving a short distance (50km) and then at regular intervals. If you notice any
unusual noise, movement of the load and/or carrier, different behaviour of the
vehicle or other unusual conditions, stop and check that the carrier and load
are secured correctly, and in accordance with the mounting instructions.
D.4 The vehicle's total length and/or height may increase when a carrier is mount-
ed. The bikes themselves may increase the vehicle's total width and height.
Take special care when reversing and/or entering garages or ferries etc.
D.5 Replace any damaged or worn parts of the carrier immediately. During trans-
portation, all levers, bolts and/or nuts must be tightened in accordance with
the mounting instructions.
D.6 Carriers fitted with a lock must always be in the locked position. The keys must
be removed and kept inside the vehicle during transport.
D.7 Be aware that the vehicle's driving characteristics and braking behaviour
(including in curves) might change and that the vehicle might become vulner-
able to side winds when the carrier is fitted.
D.8 The vehicle's speed must always be adjusted to the load being carried and
the current driving conditions, such as the road type, road quality, wind
conditions, traffic intensity and applicable speed limits, but must under no
circumstances exceed 130 km/h. Applicable speed limits and other traffic
regulations must always be observed.
D.9 Be aware that wind noise may be generated during transport and may vary
depending on the vehicle and load.
D.10 For reasons of fuel economy and environmental impact as well as the safety
of other road users, the carrier must be removed from the vehicle when not in
E.0 Maintenance
Clean the carrier regularly using warm water or car shampoo, especially when
using or after using the carrier in coastal areas (the effect of salt water) or
during periods when salt is applied to the roads (winter time).
Screws, nuts and locks (if fitted) should be lubricated at regular intervals.
Remove the carrier before using an automatic car wash.
E.4 When the carrier is removed from the vehicle, it must be stored in a dry stor-
age area. All the components of the carrier must be stored safely. Remember
to clean and maintain the carrier in accordance with the instructions.
If you lose part(s) of the carrier or part(s) of the carrier wear out, only use gen-
uine manufacturer spare parts as replacements. Spare parts can be purchased
from your dealer.
E.6 To ensure that you receive the spare parts quickly and to avoid time-consum-
ing queries, please provide the relevant product details and the serial number
when placing an order or making an inquiry.
In order to ensure that you are able to replace lost or defective keys as quickly
as possible, note down the lock and key number which can be found on your
key and lock.
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No 99700ADE00 # 15.08.2018 REV00