LEGRAND 4 130 12 Instrucciones página 4

Repartidor telefónico 8 direcciones
r /
r min. = 8 x Ø
min. r = 8 x Ø
r mín. = 8 x Ø
r ελάχ. = 8 x Ø
r мин = 8 x Ø
r min = 8 x Ø
minimális r = 8 x Ø
This symbol indicates that in order to prevent any negative effects on the environment and on people, this product should be disposed of separately from
other household waste, by taking it to authorised collection centres, in accordance with the EU countries local waste disposal legislations. Disposing of
the product without following local regulations may be punished by law. It is recommended that you check that in your country this product is subject to
WEEE legislations.
Consignes de sécurité
Avant toute intervention, couper le courant.
Respecter strictement les conditions d'installation et d'utilisation.
Sluit de stroom af voordat u aan de slag gaat.
Neem zorgvuldig de installatie- en gebruikvoorwaarden in acht.
Safety instructions
Make sure the power supply is disconnected before any intervention.
Strictly comply with instructions for installation and use.
Vor jeglichem Eingriff die Spannungsfreiheit sicherstellen.
Einbau- und Gebrauchsanleitungen sind genau zu beachten.
Consignas de seguridad
Antes de realizar cualquier intervención, cortar la corriente eléctrica.
Respetar estrictamente las condiciones de instalación y uso.
Instruções de segurança
Antes de qualquer intervenção, cortar a corrente.
Respeitar estritamente as condições de instalação e de utilização.
Οδηγίες ασφαλείας
Πριν από κάθε παρέμβαση, διακόψτε την παροχή ρεύματος.
Τηρήστε αυστηρά τις συνθήκες εγκατάστασης και χρήσης.
Меры предосторожности
Отключить питание перед проведением любых ремонтных работ .
Строго соблюдайте требования к условиям монтажа и эксплуатации .
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Güvenlik talimatları
Her türlü müdahale öncesinde, elektrik akımını kesiniz.
Kurulum ve kullanım koşullarına kesinlikle uyunuz.
Istruzioni di sicurezza
Prima di effettuare qualsiasi intervento, togliere la corrente.
Rispettare scrupolosamente le condizioni di installazione e d'uso.
Zalecenia bezpieczeństwa
Przed przystąpieniem do prac należy odłączyć zasilanie.
Ściśle przestrzegać warunków instalacji i użytkowania.
Biztonsági előírások
Bármilyen beavatkozás előtt szakítsa meg az áramellátást.
A beszerelési és használati előírásokat szigorúan be kell tartani.
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30/08/12 17:01