Oscartielle ARGUS 260-M MP Instrucciones De Uso página 23

The user is required to delivery the product for disposal to the collection center specified by the local authorities for
recovery and recycling of professional WEEE (RAEE). In case of trade-in of the old product for a new one, the user can
ask the seller to take delivery of the old one, no matter what the brand.
The manufacturer is responsible for making recovery, disposal and treatment of its products feasible at the end of their
useful life, either directly or via a collective system.
Violations of the regulation call for specific sanctions, to be established autonomously by each EU member country with
its own legislation, binding equally on all those subject to its laws.
Oscartielle S.p.A. in considering this product a WEEE (RAEE), interprets the guidelines of Orgalime, which takes account
of the application, in Italian legislation, with Legislative Decree no. 151 of July 15, 2005, of directives 2002/96/CE, and
2002/95/CE (RoHS), relative to the use of hazardous substances in electric and electronic devices.
For further information see your Municipal Authorities, the Seller or the Manufacturer.
The directive does not apply to products sold outside the European Community.
Declaration of RoHS conformity
The undersigned, OSCARTIELLE Spa with headquarters in Via Boffalora, 1/A – 24048 Treviolo (BG) ITALIA declares
under its sole responsibility that this refrigerated cabinet model Argus with incorporated refrigerating unit, complies with
the provisions of Directive 2002/95/CE (RoHS).
In all the homogeneous materials used for its production, any content of lead, mercury, hexavalent chrome,
polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) does not exceed, in weight 0.1%; that of
cadmium does not exceed, in weight 0.01%.
O s c a r t i e l l e
S . p . A . S o c i o U n i c o – 2 4 0 4 8 T r e v i o l o – B e r g a m o – I T A L Y – V i a B o f f a l o r a , 1 / A – T e l . + 3 9 0 3 5 3 7 7 9 1 1 – F a x + 3 9 0 3 5 6 9 3 2 0 0
Cap. Soc. € 5.000.000,00 i.v. – Codice Fiscale, Partita IVA e numero iscrizione al Registro Imprese di Bergamo IT 00225960160 – R.E.A. Bergamo n. 96954
N. Meccanografico BG008673 - R.A.E.E. Bergamo n. IT08010000000215 - Direzione e coordinamento art. 2497 c.c.: Arneg S.p.A. – società controllante - Italia
Read prior to installation and keep this information
This product made by Oscartielle S.p.A. is covered by Directive 2002/96/CE WEEE (Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment) known in Italy as RAEE (Rifiuti da Apparecchiature
Elettriche ed Elettroniche) designed to halt the increase of this type of waste and promote
recycling as well as decreasing disposal.
The symbol of the crossed-out waste bin that appears on the rating plate declares:
- that the product was put in circulation after 13th August 2005;
- that the product is subject to separate collection and must not be treated like normal domestic
waste or sent to dumps for disposal.
Daniele Marzaro

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