Technics SU-700 Instrucciones De Funcionamiento página 5

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Front Panel Controls and Their
(input selector)
switch/indicator (power) __
These selectors are used to select the sound sou ree 10 be
that the power is on. Before turning the power on. make
At the "on" position, the indicator wil! illuminate to indicate
heard, such as a disc, radio broadcasl, etc. The correspondlng
sure the volume conlrol is set to the low position.
indicator illuminales during operalion 10 indicate the selecled
sound souree.
io muting switch
Safety operation indicator . - - - - - - ; - -.......
( operation)
Set to Ihe "on" posilion when a
This indicator illuminates af ter the power is
dlsc is being changed or to
switched on and the unit
in the operation
temporarily reduce Ihe volume
condition. If the unit detects an abnormal
condition in the circuitry, such as a DC
In addition, Ihe volume level
component in the output, etc., or if the posilive
can be adjusled more precisely
(+) and negalive ( - ) connection wi res from the
if th is switch is set to the "on"
speaker terminals are short-circuited. Ihe
position lor listening at a low
prolection circuilry will luncllon 10 slop Ihe unit's
volume level.
operation and thls indicator will no longer
illuminate. II this occurs, switch olf the power, and
Volume control (volume)
then, after finding and correcting the cause ol the
problem. switch the power switch on once again.
Balance control
Set to the "on" position when listening to music at low volume.
Auditory perceplion of sound in Ihe low Irequency range falls
al low volume, but when Ihe switch is in Ih is posilion, this
Tone controls (bass/treble)
deficiency is compensated for, so thai Ihe tuil impact of the
musical performance can be enjoyed.
ape-monitor selectors (tape monitor)
peaker selectors (speakers)
These selectors are used lolurn Ihe
sou ree (.a...,.
speaker syslems on and off.
Set to this position 10 lislen la a phono disc or radio broadcast, or 10
listen to equipmenl connected 10 the auxiliary-input terminals ("CDAUX'')
tape 1/tape 1
(I--.a), tape 2/ext (I-..a):
Headphones jack (phones)
Set to this position to playback or monitor Ihe sound from a tape deck.
The indicators above the tape-monitor selector illuminate la
Be sure to set Ihe volume level to the minimum
indicale tape 1 or tape 2.
("0") position belore connecting the
tape 1
Tape recordings from tape deck 1 10 tape deck 2 can be made by
pressing the left switch inward to the "tape 1" position, re leasing the
right switch outward to the "souree" position, and by preparing tape
deck 1 for playback and tape deck 2 for recording.
Nole that recordings cannol be made from lape deck 2 10 tape deck 1.
Protection Circuitry
The protection circuilry may have operaled if eilher of the
If th is occurs, follow the procedure outlined below:
following conditions is noliced:
1. Turn olf the power.
-No sound is heard wh en the power is turned on.
2. Determine Ihe cause of the problem and correct it
-Sound stops during a performance.
3. Turn on the power once again.
The funclion of this circuitry is to prevent circuilry damage if, for
example, the positive and negative speaker connection wires are
"shorted", or il speaker systems with an impedance less than
Wh en Ihe pralection circuilry functions, Ihe unit will not operate
the indicated rated impedance ol the amplifier are used.
unless the power is lirsl turned olf and then on again.