a. Dirty or unclear barcodes might not be read.
1. Some barcodes cannot be read, why ?
b. The possible reason is that setting for some barcode types not commonly used is
off by default. You need to activate a speci�ic barcode type to get it to work. Please
contact us for help.
Please refer to the section of "Terminator con�iguration" from the manual
2. How to change terminator to TAB ?
downloaded from our of�icial website.
Yes, you may go to our of�icial website" www.netum.net" to download the manual
3. Are there any barcodes for applying or removing pre�ix & suf�ix ?
,refer to the section of" pre�ix and suf�ix" or turn to customer service for help.
4. How to solve the messy code problem encountered while using other foreign
The default language is English. Please refer to "Keyboard Language" to change the
Download the manual from our of�icial website according to the scanner model
5. Why scanner can not read Italy Pharmacy code?
number, refer to the section of Code32 then scan "Enable Code32" to enable the
scanner to read Italy pharmacy code.
Download the manual from our of�icial website according to the scanner model
6. Why scanner can not read add-on 2 or 5 codes?
nubmer, refer to the section of ADD-On code and scan the appropriate command
barcode to enable the scanner read it.
Scan "Enable Funtion Key Mapping" from this manual will enable scanner to output
7. Why scanner can not read datamatrix GS1 in a correct format ?
group separator.