Enlaces rápidos

This Hardware Installation Guide provides a brief description of the hardware
installation of the print server. It contains the following information:
Scope of Supply
Safety Regulations
Print Server Controls and Technical Data
Mounting the Print Server
Information and Hotline
To obtain additional information about your print server, please refer to the
documentation on the Product CD. Should you have any further questions, please
contact our support hotline.
Monday - Thursday
+49 (0)521 94226-44
Hardware Installation Guide
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Print Server
Hardware Installation Guide
8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and
8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. (CET)

Resumen de contenidos para SEH PS1129

  • Página 1 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Print Server PS1129 Hardware Installation Guide Overview This Hardware Installation Guide provides a brief description of the hardware installation of the print server. It contains the following information: Scope of Supply Safety Regulations...
  • Página 2 - Installation Manuals (The pdf files provide a detailed description of the software installation under each of the supported operating systems.) - InterCon-NetTool (Administration tool), - SEH Printer Wizard (Printer Installation Wizard), - SEH Print Monitor, - SEH Private-MIB, - Adobe Reader...
  • Página 3 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Safety Regulations English [en] Print servers are network interfaces for printers in office environments and are designed for the direct integration of printers into networks. Before starting the initial operation procedure of your device, please note the following safety regulations: •...
  • Página 4 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com • Lisez attentivement la documentation et assurez-vous que votre système satisfait bien toutes les exigences mentionnées. • Evitez le contact avec l'humidité ou avec le liquide. • Le périphérique doit être connecté et exploité uniquement en parfait état de fonctionnement.
  • Página 5 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com • Questo è un prodotto laser della categoria 1. Se non viene collegato nessun cavo al connettore SC o ST, una emissione invisibile di radiazione laser è possibile. Evitare il contatto diretto coi raggi laser. Mettete il cappuccio di protezione fornito sul connettore SC o ST se non lo usate.
  • Página 6 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Printservere er netværksgrænseflader til printere i kontormiljøer og bruges til at integrere printere direkte i netværk. Inden De tager Deres apparatet i brug, skal De være opmærksom på følgende sikkerhedsforskrifter: • Læs det tilhørende skriftlige materiale, og kontroller, at Deres system opfylder de angivne krav.
  • Página 7 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com • Voor het uitpakken moeten maatregelen worden getroffen om te voorkomen dat het apparaat beschadigingen oploopt door elektrostatische ontlading. • Dit is een klasse-1 laserproduct. Wanneer een kabel op een SC- resp. ST-stekker is aangesloten, wordt eventueel onzichtbare laserstraling uitgezonden.
  • Página 8 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Eesti [et] Printserverid on võrguliidesed bürooprinterite jaoks ning nende ülesandeks on printerite otsene ühendamine võrku. Lugege enne seadme kasutuselevõtmist läbi järgnevad ohutusjuhised: • Lugege dokumentatsioon läbi ning kontrollige, kas Teie süsteem vastab loetletud nõuetele.
  • Página 9 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com • Visus kabeļus novietojiet tā, lai neviens nevarētu uz tiem uzkāpt vai aizķerties aiz tiem. • Pirms izpakošanas, lūdzu, veikt attiecīgus pasākumus, lai novērstu bojājumus elektrostatiskās izlādēšanās rezultātā. • Tas ir 1. klases lāzeru izstrādājums. Ja SC vai, attiecīgi, ST spraudnim kabelis netiek pievienots, tad iespējama neredzama lāzera stara izstarošana.
  • Página 10 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Česky [cs] Tiskové servery jsou sít’ová rozhraní pro tiskárny v kancelářském prostředí a slouží pro přímé sdílení tiskáren v sítích. Před uvedením tiskového serveru do provozu dodržujte následující bezpečnostní předpisy: • Přečtěte si dokumentaci a zajistěte, aby Váš systém odpovídal uvedeným požadavkům.
  • Página 11 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com • Qabel ma tnehhi t-tgeżwir ta’l-apparat, hu l-prekawzjonijiet kollha mehtiega sabiex tevita li taghmel hsara lill-bord ta’l-apparat eż. skariki elettrostatići ećć. • Dan hu prodott laser tal-klassi 1. Jekk l-ebda kejbil ma jkunx mqabbad mal-konnettur SC jew ST, jista' ikun hemm radjazzjoni inviżibbli permezz tal-laser.
  • Página 12 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Print Server Controls and Technical Data 1) SC connector for 1000BaseSX 2) Link indicator LED (green): The LED lights up when a (physical) connection to the network is available. 3) Network activity LED (yellow): The LED lights up when data packets are being received.
  • Página 13 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Mounting the Print Server The print server is a so-called slot card that is simply inserted into the provided slot. Use KUIO 3,3 Volt Interfaces ONLY! For more information, please consult your retailer. THE USE OF A 5 VOLT INTERFACE WILL DAMAGE YOUR PRINT SERVER! Prepare the printer...
  • Página 14 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Connect the print server Proceed as follows: 1. Connect the network cable to the print server. 2. Connect the printer's power cord to the printer. 3. Turn the printer on. 4. Press the status button of the print server in order to print out a status page.
  • Página 15 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Notification The latest version of the EC declaration of conformity can be downloaded from the homepage of SEH Computertechnik GmbH: http://www.seh-technology.com/services/ce-notification.html EC - Class B Hardware Installation Guide...
  • Página 16 © 2011 SEH Computertechnik GmbH All trademarks, registered trademarks, logos and product names are property of their respective owners. This product uses ’Open Source Software’ . For further information, please contact http://www.seh.de. The product documentation gives you valuable information about your product.