IVM4500_F031109_Hex_1:Layout 1
Carrier frequency bands:
RF bandwidth:
Audio formats:
Audio bandwidth:
Signal/noise ratio:
Operating temperature:
Clean carriers per frequency band: 14
RF output:
Audio input:
Input gain and limiter:
Audio processor:
Audio outputs:
Power supply:
Squelch threshold:
Audio bandwidth:
THD at 1 kHz:
Channel separation:
Signal/noise ratio:
Audio output:
Power supply:
Battery life:
Net weight inc. batteries:
Frequency range:
Power handling capability:
Rated impedance:
Weight (inc. cable):
Connecting cable:
This product conforms to the standards listed in the Declaration of Conformity. To order
a free copy of the Declaration of Conformity, visit http://www.akg.com or contact
IVM 4500
21:12 Uhr
7 Specifications
Band 1: 650.1 – 680.5 MHz
Band 3-A: 720 – 750.5 MHz
Band 4: 759.5 – 789.9 MHz
Band 5-A: 790.1 – 819.9 MHz
Band 5-JA: 797.125 – 805.875 MHz
Band 5-TH: 790.1 – 805.9 MHz
Band 5-IL: 794.1 – 805.9 MHz
Band 7: 500.1 – 530-5 MHz
Band 8: 570.1 – 600.5 MHz
Band 9: 600.1 – 605.9 MHz & 614.1 – 630.5 MHz
Band 9-U: 600.1 – 630.5 MHz
30 MHz / 25 kHz
FM, MPX Stereo
stereo, mono, dual channel (selectable)
35 Hz to 20 kHz
typ. < 0.8%
> 90 dBA
-10°C to +50°C
10, 20, 50, 100 mW (selectable, depending on local le-
50-ohm rod antenna with BNC connector
2 x combined XLR/1/4" jacks, balanced,
10 dBV max.
digitally controlled
24-bit DSP
AUDIO LOOP: 2 x 1/4" jacks, directly connected to
audio input
LINE OUT: TRS 1/4" jack, connected to audio section
output, 0 dBV max.
HP OUT: 18 Hz to 20 kHz, THD < 0.5%, maximum
power 2 x 500 mW into 16 to 600 ohms
12 V DC, 0.5 A
200 x 216 x 44 mm (7.8 x 1.7 x 7.4 in.)
1070 g (2.4 lbs.)
-100 dBm to -82 dBm, selectable
35 Hz to 15 kHz
< 0.8%
> 40 dB
> 90 dBA
TRS mini jack
Jog switch, volume control, backlit LCD,
status LED
2 AA size dry batteries or BP 4000 battery pack
6 to 8 hours
70 x 90 x 25 mm (2.8 x 3.5 x 1 in.)
165 g (5.8 oz.)
12 Hz to 35 kHz
121 dB SPL/V
25 mW
16 ohms
3 g (0.1 oz.)
1.5 m (5 ft.) long, Y connected
TRS mini jack plug
Seite 41
(Schwarz/Black Auszug)
IVM 4500
SST 4500 Transmitter
SPR 4500 Receiver
IP 2 Earbuds