The value of the variables UpperTOL, LowerTOL, MASTER and PreTRAV. is programmed
with 0,1 micron or 1 micron resolution according to the selected display resolution.
The analog display resolution depends on the programmed analog scale value (variable
The analog resolution is therefore determined by the formula:
Since the minimum programmable value is 10 microns (.00050"), the minimum value of the
analog resolution is 1 micron (.00005").
3.5 Connection of the measuring sensor(s)
Up to two measuring sensors can be connected to this Quick Read Microcolumn.
Connection of one measuring sensor: the sensor is normally directly connected to the
Lumberg connector of the Quick Read.
Connection of two measuring sensors: the sensors are connected to the Lumberg connector
of the Quick Read by means of the Y-cable code 6735532001 (see picture below). Both sensors
must have the same measuring range since the programming variable M. RANGE is one and
defines pre-fixed measuring ranges. Sensors having different range may have a different
sensitivity which can affect the measuring value.
A single sensor can be connected to the Quick Read even using the Y-cable. In this
case it must be connected to the connector 1 (CH.1) because the channel 1 is the
default channel when only one sensor is connected.
The variable PROBE of the main menu allows to program the number of sensors to be
connected. Choose Probe1 if one sensor is connected, Probe1&2 if two sensors are connected.
analog resolution = scale range : 10
The two channels are clearly identified on the cable by the
labels CH.1 and CH.2
Chapter 3. Installation