7. Run/Stop Icon – Turn the current function on
and off by selecting this on screen icon using
the PAA3X's controls. A standing red stick-figure
indicates the current function is not active. The
green running stick-figure shows the current
function is, well, running.
8. Menu Icon – The currently used function will
be displayed here. To select a new function,
simply use the PAA3X's controls to select this
icon. This will bring up the Main menu (shown
below). Within the main menu there are options
for function, settings, utility and screen shot.
2 3
9. Weighting – The currently used weighting,
as determined in the Settings menu, will be
displayed here. The PAA3X has 4 weightings
to choose from: Flat, A, B and C. To change
the weighting, select the Menu icon followed by
the Settings icon in the subsequent menu. The
weighting settings can be found here.
10. Frequency – When checking the finer details
of the current feature, this window will display
the currently selected frequency. When a specific
frequency is not selected, this field will read "All".
To select an individual frequency, scroll through
the different options until the RTA itself is
highlighted. Press enter and scroll through the
various frequencies until you find the one you
wish to view.
11. Level – This field will show the level of the
currently selected frequency (as explained in
point 10). The level will be shown in dB SPL,
dBu, dBV or Volts, depending on the currently
selected function and/or parameter.al generator
setup menu. The signal level can be adjusted
between 4 dBu and -40 dBu for all of the built-
in signals.