IOPI MEDICAL IOPI Pro 3.1 Manual De Uso página 24

1 Adams , V., Mathisen, B., Baines, S., Lazarus, C., & Callister, R. (2014). Reliability of
Measurements of Tongue and Hand Strength and Endurance Using the Iowa Oral
Performance Instrument with Healthy Adults. Dysphagia, 29(1), 83-95.
2 Vanderwegen, J., Guns, C., Van Nuffelen, G., Elen, R., & De Bodt, M. (2013). The Influence of
Age, Sex, Bulb Position, Visual Feedback, and the Order of Testing on Maximum Anterior and
Posterior Tongue Strength and Endurance in Healthy Belgian Adults. Dysphagia, 28(2), 159-166.
3 Clark, H.M, & Solomon, N. P. (2012). Age and Sex Differences in Orofacial Strength.
Dysphagia, 27(1), 2-9.
4 Gingrich, L. L., Stierwalt, J. A., Hageman, C. F., & LaPointe, L. L. (2012). Lingual Propulsive
Pressures Across Consistencies Generated by the Anteromedian and Posteromedian Tongue
by Healthy Adults. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 55(3), 960-972.
5 Park, J., Oh, D., & Chang, M. (2016). Comparison of Maximal Tongue Strength and Tongue
Strength Used During Swallowing in Relation to Age in Healthy Adults. Journal of Physical
Therapy Science, 28(2), 442-445.
6 Oh, D., Park, J., Jo, Y., & Chang, M. (2016). Differences in Maximal Isometric Tongue Strength
and Endurance of Healthy Young vs. Older Adults. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 28(3),
7 Potter, N.L., Johnson, L. R., Johnson, S. E., & VanDam M. (2015). Facial and Lingual Strength and
Endurance in Skilled Trumpet Players. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 30(2), 90-95.
8 Burkhead, L. M., Sapienza, C. M., & Rosenbek, J. C. (2007). Strength-Training Exercise in
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9 Steele C.M., Bayley, M.T., Peladeau-Pigeon, M., Nagy, A., Namasivayam, A. M., Stokely, S. L.,
& Wolkin, T. (2016). A Randomized Trial Comparing Two Tongue-Pressure Resistance Training
Protocols for Post-Stroke Dysphagia. Dysphagia. 31(3), 452-461.
10 Van Nuffelen, G., Van den Steen, L., Vanderveken, O., Specenier, P., Van Laer, C., Van Rompaey,
D., Guns, C., Mariën, S., Peeters, M., Van de Heyning, P., Vanderwegen, J., y De Bodt, M.
(2015). Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial: Tongue Strengthening Exercises in
Head and Neck Cancer Patients, Does Exercise Load Matter? Trials, 16, 395
11 Yeates, E.M., Molfenter, S.M., y Steele, C.M. (2008). Improvements in Tongue Strength
and Pressure-Generation Precision Following a Tongue-Pressure Training Protocol in Older
Individuals with Dysphagia: Three Case Reports. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 3(4), 735-747.
12 Robbins, J., Kays S.A., Gangnon, R.E., Hind, J.A., Hewitt, A.L., Gentry, L.R., y Taylor, A.J.
(2007). The Effects of Lingual Exercise in Stroke Patients with Dysphagia. Archives of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88(2), 150-158.
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