Enlaces rápidos

12 VDC timer up to 60 minutes. It has 8 selectable time scales through DIP S1.
Recording every 8 hours in non-volatile memory of the elapsed time.
Operation : When starting the timer, the relay is activated for the selected time, after which the relay is deactivated,
remaining at rest until a new activation.
POWER SUPPLY : Connect the 12 VDC power supply to the POWER terminal, respecting ± polarity. Install a switch
for circuit protection and your own safety, according to CE standard. Before activating the switch, make the rest of the
circuit connections.
To supply 230 V AC you can use our recommended power supplies FE 103 or FE 300.
TIMING : The selection of the work time is done with dips 1-2-3 of S1.
The working time is recorded in the circuit when activating the timer.
It is not possible to change this time once the timing has started. To change it you must deactivate the timer and
select new time.
Activation - Deactivation of the timer : Connect a button to the START input.
Important : Set dip 4 of S1 to ON to activate or deactivate the timer.
Timer activation : close the START button for a moment.
Timer deactivation : keep the START button closed for 2 seconds.
To avoid accidental or malicious manipulations, set dip 4 of S1 to OFF once the timer has been activated or
Work time memory : Every 5 minutes the circuit records in the memory the elapsed working time. Times less than 5
minutes are not recorded to avoid limiting the life of the E2prom memory.
If a power failure occurs during it, the circuit will continue counting from the last recorded time when power returns.
Timer - Temporisateur
Temporizador – Temporitzador
1 to 60 Minutes
Technical characteristics
Voltaje : 12 V DC
Consumption : 10 to 60 mA
Timing configuration : 1 to 60 Minutes
Activation-Reset : Push Button
Output type : Relay NO-NC
Max output load : 7A ( Max 2 A inductive load)
Operation indicator leds : Power – Clock – relay
Sizes 72 x 53 x 20 mm
Weight : 33,2 gr.
Din rail : C-7563

Resumen de contenidos para CEBEK I-209M

  • Página 1 Timer - Temporisateur Temporizador – Temporitzador 1 to 60 Minutes I-209M Technical characteristics Voltaje : 12 V DC Consumption : 10 to 60 mA Timing configuration : 1 to 60 Minutes Activation-Reset : Push Button Output type : Relay NO-NC Max output load : 7A ( Max 2 A inductive load) Operation indicator leds : Power –...
  • Página 2 I-209M Temporisateur 12 VDC jusqu'à 60 minutes Il dispose de 8 échelles de temps sélectionnables via DIP S1. Enregistrement toutes les 8 heures en mémoire non volatile du temps écoulé. Fonctionnement : Lors du démarrage de la minuterie, le relais est activé pendant le temps sélectionné, après quoi le relais est désactivé, restant au repos jusqu'à...
  • Página 3 I-209M Temporitzador 12 VDC fins a 60 minuts. Disposa de 8 escales de temps seleccionables mitjançant DIP S1. Enregistrament cada 8 hores en memòria no volàtil del temps transcorregut. Funcionament : En iniciar el temporitzador, el relé s'activa el temps seleccionat, un cop passat, el relé es desactiva quedant en repòs fins a una nova activació.
  • Página 4 I-209M Ajust de la temporització La selecció del temps de treball es realitza mitjançant els 4 dips que incorpora el circuit. Els dip 1-2-3 permeten seleccionar temps treball. El dip 4 permet bloquejar el polsador start-stop . Observeu posició ON-OFF dels dips .
  • Página 5 I-209M www.cebek.com [email protected]...